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Standard Industrial Classifications (SIC) Index

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3341 Babbitt metal smelting and refining, secondary-mfg
3339 Babbitt metal, primary-mfg
5999 Baby carriages-retail
2032 Baby foods (including meats), canned-mfg
2023 Baby formula: fresh, processed, and bottled-mfg
5137 Baby goods-wholesale
3069 Baby pants, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse-mfg
2844 Baby powder-mfg
3596 Baby scales-mfg
8811 Babysitting (private households employing babysitters in the home)
7299 Babysitting bureaus
3531 Backfillers, self-propelled-mfg
3432 Backflow preventors-mfg
3531 Backhoes-mfg
5941 Backpacking, hiking, and mountaineering equipment-retail
2514 Backs for metal household furniture-mfg
2013 Bacon, slab and sliced-mfpm-mfg
2011 Bacon, slab and sliced-mitse-mfg
2836 Bacterial vaccines-mfg
2836 Bacterins, except in vitro and in vivo-mfg
8071 Bacteriological laboratories (not manufacturing)
2836 Bacteriological media, except in vitro and in vivo-mfg
3999 Badges for policemen and firemen-metal-mfg
2399 Badges, made from fabric-mfg
3949 Badminton equipment-mfg
3443 Baffles-mfg
3554 Bag and envelope making machinery (paper machinery)-mfg
3111 Bag leather-mfg
3483 Bag loading plants, ammunition-mfg
3565 Bag opening, filling and closing machines-mfg
2621 Bag paper-mitse-mfg
5093 Bag reclaiming-wholesale
3559 Bag sewing and closing machines (industrial sewing machines)-mfg
3949 Bagatelle tables-mfg
5461 Bagel stores-retail
2051 Bagels-mfg
4212 Baggage transfer
5149 Bagging of tea
2299 Bagging, jute: made in jute weaving mills-mfg
3161 Bags (luggage), regardless of material-mfg
2259 Bags and bagging-mitse-mfg
2393 Bags and containers, textile: except sleeping bags-insulated or not-mfpm-mfg
2392 Bags, blanket: plastics-mfg
3199 Bags, feed: for horses-mfg
2392 Bags, garment storage: except paper or plastics film-mfg
3949 Bags, golf-mfg
2392 Bags, laundry-mfpm-mfg
5113 Bags, paper and disposable plastics-wholesale
2674 Bags, paper: uncoated-mfpm-mfg
2759 Bags, plastics: printed only, except lithographed or gravure (bags not made in printing plants)-mfg
3949 Bags, rosin-mfg
3069 Bags, rubber or rubberized fabric-mfg
2399 Bags, sleeping-mfg
3949 Bags, striking (punching)-mfg
2393 Bags, textile: including canvas-except laundry, garment, and sleeping-mfpm-mfg
5199 Bags, textile-wholesale
1389 Bailing wells on a contract basis
3443 Bails, ladle-mfg
5941 Bait and tackle shops-retail
5091 Bait, artificial-wholesale
3949 Bait, fishing: artificial-mfg
2032 Baked beans without meat: canned-mfg
5461 Bakeries with baking on the premises-retail
5461 Bakeries without baking on the premises-retail
5461 Bakeries-retail
2026 Bakers' cheese-mfg
2087 Bakers' colors, except synthetic-mfg
2499 Bakers' equipment, wood-mfg
1629 Bakers' oven construction-general contractors
2326 Bakers' service apparel, washable-mfg
5963 Bakery goods, purchased: house-to-house-retail
3556 Bakery machinery-mfg
5461 Bakery products produced primarily for sale on the premises-retail
2052 Bakery products, dry: e.g., biscuits, crackers, pretzels-mfg
2051 Bakery products, fresh: bread, cakes, doughnuts, and pastries-mfg
2053 Bakery products, frozen: except bread and bread-type rolls-mfg
5142 Bakery products, frozen-wholesale
2051 Bakery products, partially cooked: except frozen-mfg
5149 Bakery products-wholesale
2079 Baking and frying fats (shortening)-mfg
2066 Baking chocolate-mfg
2851 Baking japans-mfg
2099 Baking powder-mfg
3596 Balances, except laboratory-mfg
5046 Balances, except laboratory-wholesale
3821 Balances, laboratory-mfg
3559 Balancing equipment, automotive wheel-mfg
3446 Balconies, metal-mfg
2261 Bale dyeing of cotton broadwoven products-mfg
2262 Bale dyeing of manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics-mfg
3523 Bale throwers-mfg
3496 Bale ties, made from purchased wire-mfg
5051 Bale ties, wire-wholesale
3523 Balers, farm: e.g., hay, straw, cotton-mfg
3423 Baling hooks-mfg
3569 Baling machines for scrap metal, paper, and similar materials-mfg
3562 Ball bearings and parts-mfg
1455 Ball clay mining
3568 Ball joints, except motor vehicle and aircraft-mfg
3714 Ball joints, motor vehicle-mfg
3951 Ball point pens-mfg
3531 Ballast distributors (railway track equipment)-mfg
3423 Ballast forks-mfg
3612 Ballasts for lighting fixtures-mfg
7922 Ballet production
3149 Ballet slippers-mfg
3761 Ballistic missiles, complete-mfg
2211 Balloon cloth, cotton-mfg
5947 Balloon shops-retail
3721 Balloons (aircraft)-mfg
3069 Balloons, advertising and toy: rubber-mfg
3069 Balloons, metal foil laminated with rubber-mfg
3089 Balloons, plastics-mfg
7911 Ballroom operation
3069 Balls, rubber: except athletic equipment-mfg
3399 Balls, steel-mfg
3949 Balls: baseball, basketball, football, golf, tennis, pool, and bowling-mfg
0831 Balsam needles, gathering of
3677 Baluns-mfg
0179 Banana farms
5148 Banana ripening for the trade-wholesale
2389 Band uniforms-mfpm-mfg
2211 Bandage cloths, cotton-mfg
2399 Bandage, cheese-mfpm-mfg
3842 Bandages and dressings, surgical and orthopedic-mfg
3842 Bandages: plastics, muslin, and plaster of paris-mfg
5122 Bandages-wholesale
2342 Bandeaux-mfpm-mfg
2241 Banding, spindle-mfg
2399 Bandoleers-mfg
7929 Bands, dance
3089 Bands, plastics-mfg
3351 Bands, shell: copper and copper alloy-made in copper rolling mills-mfg
3553 Bandsaws, woodworking-mfg
3931 Banjos and parts-mfg
3812 Bank and turn indicators and components (aeronautical instruments)-mfg
5044 Bank automatic teller machines-wholesale
1542 Bank building construction-general contractors
6512 Bank buildings, operation of
3499 Bank chests, metal-mfg
6399 Bank deposit insurance
3446 Bank fixtures, ornamental metal-mfg
6712 Bank holding companies
6211 Bankers, investment
9651 Banking regulatory agencies-government
8249 Banking schools (training in banking)
2759 Banknotes, engraved-mfg
6111 Banks for cooperatives
6011 Banks, Federal Reserve
6021 Banks, commercial: national
6029 Banks, commercial: not chartered
6022 Banks, commercial: state
6035 Banks, savings: Federal
6036 Banks, savings: not federally chartered
3944 Banks, toy-mfg
5999 Banner shops-retail
2399 Banners, made from fabric-mfg
3446 Bannisters, railings, guards, etc.: made from metal pipe-mfg
3281 Baptismal fonts, cut stone-mfg
8621 Bar associations
2542 Bar fixtures, except wood-mfg
2541 Bar fixtures, wood-mfg
2599 Bar furniture-mfg
5021 Bar furniture-wholesale
3547 Bar mills-mfg
2033 Barbecue sauce-mfg
3631 Barbecues, grills, and braziers for outdoor cooking-mfg
3315 Barbed and twisted wire: made in wiredrawing plants-mfg
3496 Barbed wire, made from purchased wire-mfg
7231 Barber and beauty shops, combined
7241 Barber colleges
5087 Barber shop equipment and supplies-wholesale
3999 Barber shop equipment-mfg
7241 Barber shops
3999 Barbers' clippers, hand and electric-mfg
3421 Barbers' scissors-mfg
2326 Barbers' service apparel, washable-mfg
2833 Barbituric acid and derivatives: bulk, uncompounded-mfg
2834 Barbituric acid pharmaceutical preparations-mfg
3441 Barge sections, prefabricated metal-mfg
3731 Barges, building and repairing-mfg
1479 Barite mining
3295 Barite, ground or otherwise treated-mfg
2819 Barium compounds-mfg
2835 Barium diagnostic agents-mfg
1479 Barium ore mining
2816 Barium sulfate, precipitated (blanc fixe)-mfg
3295 Barium, ground or otherwise treated-mfg
2211 Bark cloth, cotton-mfg
0831 Barks, gathering of
0119 Barley farms
5153 Barley-wholesale
2258 Barmen laces-mfg
3523 Barn cleaners-mfg
3523 Barn stanchions and standards-mfg
3829 Barographs-mfg
3829 Barometers, mercury and aneroid types-mfg
3443 Barometric condensers-mfg
2429 Barrel heading and staves, sawed or split-mfg
3484 Barrels, gun: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less-mfg
3489 Barrels, gun: more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)-mfg
5085 Barrels, new and reconditioned-wholesale
3412 Barrels, shipping: steel and other metal-mfg
2449 Barrels, wood: coopered-mfg
3499 Barricades, metal-mfg
5813 Bars (alcoholic beverage drinking places)
8641 Bars and restaurants owned and operated for members of organizations only
3354 Bars, aluminum: extruded-mfg
3355 Bars, aluminum: rolled-mfg
2064 Bars, candy: including chocolate covered bars-mfg
2066 Bars, candy: solid chocolate-mfg
3449 Bars, concrete reinforcing: fabricated steel-mfg
5051 Bars, concrete reinforcing-wholesale
3351 Bars, copper and copper alloy-mfg
3312 Bars, iron: made in steel works or rolling mills-mfg
5051 Bars, metal-wholesale
3423 Bars, prying (handtools)-mfg
3331 Bars, refinery: primary copper-mfg
3316 Bars, steel: cold-rolled-not made in hot-rolling mills-mfg
3312 Bars, steel: made in steel works or hot-rolling mills-mfg
3356 Bars: lead, magnesium, nickel, tin, titanium, zinc, and their alloys-mfg
7389 Bartering services for businesses
7299 Bartering services for individuals
3229 Barware, glass-mfg
2816 Barytes pigments-mfg
1429 Basalt, crushed and broken-quarrying
1411 Basalt, dimension-quarrying
8744 Base maintenance (providing personnel on continuing basis)
2353 Baseball caps, except plastics-mfg
7997 Baseball clubs, except professional and semiprofessional
7941 Baseball clubs, professional or semiprofessional
3949 Baseball equipment and supplies, except uniforms and footwear-mfg
7999 Baseball instruction schools
2329 Baseball uniforms: men's and boys'-mfg
2431 Baseboards, floor: wood-mfg
3442 Baseboards, metal-mfg
3949 Bases, baseball-mfg
2844 Bases, perfume: blending and compounding-mfg
2211 Basket weave fabrics, cotton-mfg
7941 Basketball clubs, professional or semiprofessional
7999 Basketball instruction schools
2329 Basketball uniforms: men's and boys'-mfg
3949 Basketballs and basketball equipment and supplies, except uniforms and footwear-mfg
2499 Baskets, except fruit, vegetable, fish, and bait: (e.g., rattan, reed, straw)-mfg
3949 Baskets, fish and bait-mfg
2449 Baskets, fruit and vegetable: e.g., till, berry, climax, round stave-mfg
3496 Baskets, made from purchased wire-mfg
3315 Baskets, steel: made in wiredrawing plants-mfg
3944 Baskets, toy-mfg
5199 Baskets: reed, rattan, willow, and wood-wholesale
2519 Bassinets, reed and rattan-mfg
3931 Bassoons-mfg
1099 Bastnasite ore mining
3531 Batching plants, bituminous-mfg
3531 Batching plants, for aggregate concrete and bulk cement-mfg
7999 Bath houses, independently operated
2392 Bath mitts (washcloths)-mfg
2844 Bath salts-mfg
3069 Bath sprays, rubber-mfg
1799 Bath tub refinishing-contractors
7997 Bathing beaches, membership
7999 Bathing beaches, public
3069 Bathing caps and suits, rubber-mitse-mfg
5699 Bathing suit stores-retail
2369 Bathing suits: girls', children's, and infants'-mfpm-mfg
2329 Bathing suits: men's and boys'-mfpm-mfg
2339 Bathing suits: women's, misses', and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
2253 Bathing suits-mitse-mfg
2273 Bathmats and sets, textile-mfg
2211 Bathmats, cotton: made in weaving mills-mfg
3069 Bathmats, rubber-mfg
2273 Bathmats, textile fiber-mfg
2384 Bathrobes, men's, boys', and women's-mfpm-mfg
2369 Bathrobes: girls', children's, and infants'-mfpm-mfg
2253 Bathrobes-mitse-mfg
3261 Bathroom accessories, vitreous china and earthenware-mfg
3088 Bathroom fixtures, plastics-mfg
3431 Bathroom fixtures: enameled iron, cast iron, and pressed metal-mfg
3596 Bathroom scales-mfg
7299 Baths, turkish
5047 Baths, whirlpool-wholesale
3272 Bathtubs, concrete-mfg
3088 Bathtubs, plastics-mfg
3431 Bathtubs: enameled iron, cast iron, and pressed metal-mfg
3089 Bathware, plastics: except plumbing fixtures-mfg
7389 Batik work (handprinting on textiles)
2211 Batiste, cotton-mfg
8299 Baton instruction
3949 Bats, game: e.g., baseball, softball, cricket-mfg
5013 Batteries, automotive-wholesale
5063 Batteries, except automotive-wholesale
3692 Batteries, primary: dry or wet-mfg
3691 Batteries, rechargeable-mfg
3691 Batteries, storage-mfg
2899 Battery acid-mfg
3069 Battery boxes, jars, and parts: hard rubber-mfg
3694 Battery cable wiring sets for internal combustion engines-mfg
3089 Battery cases, plastics-mfg
3629 Battery chargers, rectifying or nonrotating-mfg
3694 Battery charging generators for internal combustion engines-mfg
5531 Battery dealers, automobile-retail
3229 Battery jars, glass-mfg
3356 Battery metal-mfg
2891 Battery sealing compounds-mfg
2499 Battery separators, wood-mfg
7539 Battery service, automotive
3825 Battery testers, electrical-mfg
3272 Battery wells and boxes, concrete-mfg
2299 Batts and batting: cotton mill waste, kapok, and related materials-mfg
2679 Batts, insulating: paper-mfpm-mfg
3297 Bauxite brick-mfg
1099 Bauxite mining
2819 Bauxite, refined-mfg
2899 Bay oil-mfg
2844 Bay rum-mfg
7999 Beach chairs and accessories, rental
7997 Beach clubs, membership
4959 Beach maintenance cleaning
3021 Beach sandals, rubber-mfg
3999 Beach umbrellas-mfg
7999 Beaches, bathing: public
3728 Beaching gear, aircraft-mfg
5136 Beachwear, men's and boys'-wholesale
2369 Beachwear: girls', children's, and infants'-mfpm-mfg
2339 Beachwear: women's, misses', and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
2253 Beachwear-mitse-mfg
3999 Beaded novelties-mfg
3542 Beaders, metal (machines)-mfg
3231 Beads, glass reflector: for highway signs and other reflectors-mfpm-mfg
3999 Beads, unassembled-mfg
3552 Beaming machines, textile-mfg
2282 Beaming yarns for the trade-mfg
0723 Bean cleaning
4221 Bean elevators, except sales
0119 Bean farms, dry field and seed
0161 Bean farms, except dry beans
0182 Bean sprouts grown under cover
2032 Bean sprouts, canned-mfg
5812 Beaneries
2032 Beans, baked: with or without meat-canned-mfg
5153 Beans, dry: bulk-wholesale
5153 Beans, inedible-wholesale
5153 Beans, unshelled-wholesale
3463 Bearing and bearing race forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling mills-mfg
5051 Bearing piles, iron and steel-wholesale
3423 Bearing pullers, handtools-mfg
3562 Bearings, ball and roller-mfg
3714 Bearings, motor vehicle: except ball and roller-mfg
3568 Bearings, plain-mfg
3089 Bearings, plastics-mfg
2499 Bearings, wood-mfg
5085 Bearings-wholesale
7231 Beauticians
7231 Beauty and barber shops, combined
7231 Beauty culture schools
5087 Beauty parlor equipment and supplies-wholesale
3999 Beauty shop equipment-mfg
7231 Beauty shops or salons
7011 Bed and breakfast inns
2258 Bed sets, lace-mfg
2211 Bed tickings, cotton-mfg
3634 Bedcoverings, electric-mfg
5719 Bedding (sheets, blankets, spreads, and pillows)-retail
0181 Bedding plants, growing of
2341 Bedjackets: women's, misses', and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
5712 Beds and springs-retail
2599 Beds, hospital-mfg
5047 Beds, hospital-wholesale
2514 Beds, including folding and cabinet beds: household-metal-mfg
2511 Beds, including folding and cabinet beds: household-wood-mfg
2515 Beds, sleep-system ensembles: flotation and adjustable-mfg
2515 Beds, sofa and chair: on frames of any material-mfg
2211 Bedsheeting, cotton-mitse-mfg
2511 Bedside stands, wood-mfg
2392 Bedspreads and bed sets-mfpm-mfg
2211 Bedspreads, cotton: made in weaving mills-mfg
2258 Bedspreads, lace: made on lace machines-mfg
2221 Bedspreads, silk and manmade fiber-mitse-mfg
2259 Bedspreads-mitse-mfg
5023 Bedspreads-wholesale
2514 Bedspring frames, metal-mfg
2511 Bedspring frames, wood-mfg
2515 Bedsprings, assembled-mfg
5021 Bedsprings-wholesale
0279 Bee farms
0212 Beef cattle farms, except feedlots
0211 Beef cattle feedlots
2013 Beef stew-mfg
2013 Beef-mfpm-mfg
2011 Beef-mitse-mfg
3312 Beehive coke oven products-mfg
3999 Beekeeping supplies, except wood-mfg
2499 Beekeeping supplies, wood-mfg
5191 Beekeeping supplies-wholesale
4812 Beeper (radio pager) communications services
2082 Beer (alcoholic beverage)-mfg
5181 Beer and other fermented malt liquors-wholesale
3411 Beer cans, metal-mfg
3585 Beer dispensing equipment-mfg
5813 Beer gardens (drinking places)
5813 Beer parlors (tap rooms)
7699 Beer pump coil cleaning and repair service
5813 Beer taverns
2086 Beer, birch and root: bottled or canned-mfg
5921 Beer, packaged-retail
5813 Beer, wine, and liquors: sale for on-premise consumption
2842 Beeswax, processing of-mfg
0161 Beet farms, except sugar beet
0133 Beet farms, sugar
2063 Beet pulp, dried-mfg
2063 Beet sugar, made from sugar beets-mfg
2834 Belladonna pharmaceutical preparations-mfg
3429 Bellows, hand-mfg
3599 Bellows, industrial: metal-mfg
3931 Bells (musical instruments)-mfg
3699 Bells, electric-mfg
3944 Bells, toy-mfg
5131 Belt and buckle assembly kits-wholesale
3535 Belt conveyor systems for general industrial use-mfg
2842 Belt dressing-mfg
3199 Belt laces, leather-mfg
4013 Belt line railroads
2296 Belting (industrial) reinforcement, cord and fabric-mfg
3111 Belting butts, curried or rough-mfg
3111 Belting leather-mfg
3568 Belting, chain-mfg
2399 Belting, fabric-mfpm-mfg
5085 Belting, hose and packing: industrial-wholesale
3052 Belting, rubber: e.g., conveyor, elevator, transmission-mfg
2241 Beltings, woven or braided-mfg
3199 Belts and belting for machinery, leather-mfg
3949 Belts, ammunition (sporting goods: of all materials)-mfg
5699 Belts, apparel: custom-retail
2387 Belts, apparel: made of any material-mfg
3949 Belts, cartridge: sporting type-mfg
3496 Belts, conveyor: made from purchased wire-mfg
3496 Belts, drying: made from purchased wire-mfg
3484 Belts, machine gun, metallic: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less-mfg
2399 Belts, money: made of any material-mfg
3199 Belts, safety: leather-mfg
3842 Belts: sanitary, surgical, and corrective-mfg
2531 Benches for public buildings-mfg
3281 Benches, cut stone-mfg
3821 Benches, laboratory-mfg
2522 Benches, office: except wood-mfg
2521 Benches, office: wood-mfg
2599 Benches, work: industrial-mfg
3542 Bending and forming machines-mfg
3498 Bends, pipe: fabricated from purchased metal pipe-mfg
6311 Benevolent insurance associations
1459 Bentonite mining
2499 Bentwood (steam bent) products, except furniture-mfg
2865 Benzaldehyde-mfg
2865 Benzene hexachloride (BHC)-mfg
2865 Benzene, made in chemical plants-mfg
2911 Benzene, produced in petroleum refineries-mfg
2865 Benzoic acid-mfg
0782 Bermuda sprigging services
0722 Berries, machine harvesting of
3523 Berry and grain separators, farm-mfg
2449 Berry crates, wood: wirebound-mfg
2449 Berry cups, veneer and splint-mfg
0171 Berry farms
1099 Beryl mining
3264 Beryllia porcelain insulators-mfg
3369 Beryllium castings, except die-castings-mfg
3364 Beryllium die-castings-mfg
3339 Beryllium metal-mfg
1099 Beryllium ore mining
2819 Beryllium oxide-mfg
3844 Beta-ray irradiation equipment-mfg
3699 Betatrons-mfg
8611 Better business bureaus
7999 Betting information services
2789 Beveling of cards-mfg
2085 Beverage alcohol, ethyl and grain-mfg
2087 Beverage bases-mfg
5149 Beverage concentrates-wholesale
5078 Beverage coolers-wholesale
2087 Beverage syrups-mfg
2396 Bias bindings-mfpm-mfg
8299 Bible schools, not operated by churches
5963 Bibles, house-to-house selling-retail
3069 Bibs, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse-mfg
2385 Bibs, waterproof-mfpm-mfg
2819 Bichromates and chromates-mfg
5941 Bicycle and bicycle parts dealers, except motorized-retail
3647 Bicycle lamps-mfg
7999 Bicycle rental
7699 Bicycle repair shops
5091 Bicycle tires and tubes-wholesale
3751 Bicycles and parts-mfg
5571 Bicycles, motorized-retail
5091 Bicycles-wholesale
3261 Bidets, vitreous china-mfg
7312 Bill posting, advertising
7312 Billboard advertising
3547 Billet mills-mfg
3312 Billets, steel-mfg
3089 Billfold inserts, plastics-mfg
3172 Billfolds, regardless of material-mfg
2752 Billheads, lithographed-mfg
3949 Billiard and pool balls, cues, cue tips, and tables-mfg
3949 Billiard chalk-mfg
2231 Billiard cloths-mitse-mfg
7999 Billiard parlors
5091 Billiards equipment and supplies-wholesale
3578 Billing machines-mfg
2298 Binder and baler twine-mfg
2899 Binders (chemical foundry supplies)-mfg
2631 Binders' board-mitse-mfg
2782 Binders, looseleaf-mfg
3579 Binding machines, plastics and adhesive: for store or office use-mfg
2789 Binding only: books, pamphlets, magazines, etc.-mfg
5131 Binding, textile-wholesale
2396 Bindings, bias-mfpm-mfg
2396 Bindings, cap and hat-mfpm-mfg
2241 Bindings, textile-mitse-mfg
3944 Bingo boards (games)-mfg
7999 Bingo parlors
3161 Binocular cases-mfg
7699 Binoculars and other optical goods repair
3827 Binoculars-mfg
5999 Binoculars-retail
3443 Bins, prefabricated metal plate-mfg
3444 Bins, prefabricated: sheet metal-mfg
8093 Biofeedback centers
2836 Biological and allied products: antitoxins, bacterins, vaccines, viruses, except in vitro and in vivo-mfg
8071 Biological laboratories (not manufacturing)
8731 Biological research, commercial
8733 Biological research, noncommercial
2865 Biological stains-mfg
5122 Biologicals and allied products-wholesale
3841 Biopsy instruments and equipment-mfg
2086 Birch beer, bottled or canned-mfg
3496 Bird cages, made from purchased wire-mfg
2048 Bird food, prepared-mfg
7342 Bird proofing
2211 Bird's-eye diaper cloth, cotton-mfg
7299 Birth certificate agencies
8093 Birth control clinics (family planning)
2771 Birthday cards, except hand painted-mfg
3556 Biscuit cutters (machines)-mfg
2041 Biscuit dough, canned-mitse-mfg
2045 Biscuit mixes and doughs-mfpm-mfg
2051 Biscuits, baked: baking powder and raised-mfg
2052 Biscuits, baked: dry, except baking powder and raised-mfg
3339 Bismuth refining, primary-mfg
3423 Bits (edge tools for woodworking)-mfg
3545 Bits for use on lathes, planers, shapers, etc.-mfg
3532 Bits, rock: except oil and gas field tools-mfg
3533 Bits, rock: oil and gas field tools-mfg
2087 Bitters (flavoring concentrates)-mfg
1499 Bitumens (native) mining
3531 Bituminous batching plants-mfg
1221 Bituminous coal cleaning plants
1221 Bituminous coal crushing
1241 Bituminous coal mining services on a contract basis
1221 Bituminous coal screening plants
1241 Bituminous coal stripping service: on a contract basis
1222 Bituminous coal stripping: except on a contract, fee, or other basis
1221 Bituminous coal washeries
1499 Bituminous limestone quarrying
1241 Bituminous or lignite auger mining service: on a contract basis
2851 Bituminous paints-mfg
5082 Bituminous processing equipment-wholesale
1499 Bituminous sandstone quarrying
2816 Black pigments, except carbon black-mfg
5051 Black plate, iron and steel-wholesale
0171 Blackberry farms
3281 Blackboards, slate-mfg
2531 Blackboards, wood-mfg
2842 Blackings-mfg
3312 Blackplate-mfg
7699 Blacksmith shops
3199 Blacksmiths' aprons, leather-mfg
2061 Blackstrap molasses-mfg
1771 Blacktop work: private driveways and private parking areas-contractors
3531 Blades for graders, scrapers, dozers, and snowplows-mfg
3728 Blades, aircraft propeller: metal or wood-mfg
3421 Blades, knife and razor-mfg
3425 Blades, saw: for hand or power saws-mfg
2816 Blanc fixe (barium sulfate, precipitated)-mfg
3482 Blank cartridges, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less-mfg
2782 Blankbook making-mfg
5112 Blankbooks-wholesale
2392 Blanket bags, plastic-mfg
2221 Blanketings, manmade fiber-mfg
2211 Blankets and blanketings, cotton-mitse-mfg
2231 Blankets and blanketings, wool and similar animal fibers-mitse-mfg
3292 Blankets, asbestos-mfg
3634 Blankets, electric-mfg
2399 Blankets, horse-mfpm-mfg
3292 Blankets, insulating for aircraft: asbestos-mfg
2679 Blankets, insulating: paper-mfpm-mfg
3069 Blankets, printers': rubber-mfg
2392 Blankets-mfpm-mfg
5023 Blankets-wholesale
3229 Blanks for electric light bulbs, glass-mfg
3965 Blanks, button-mfg
3545 Blanks, cutting tool-mfg
3545 Blanks, tips and inserts: cutting tools-mfg
5084 Blanks, tips and inserts-wholesale
2426 Blanks, wood: for bowling pins, handles, and textile machinery accessories-mfg
3569 Blast cleaning equipment, dustless: except metalworking-mfg
3312 Blast furnace products-mfg
3295 Blast furnace slag-mfg
1446 Blast sand mining
2298 Blasting mats, rope-mfg
2892 Blasting powder and blasting caps-mfg
1629 Blasting, except building demolition-contractors
2819 Bleach (calcium hypochlorite), industrial-mfg
2819 Bleach (sodium hypochlorite), industrial-mfg
2531 Bleacher seating, portable-mfg
2844 Bleaches, hair-mfg
2842 Bleaches, household: liquid or dry-mfg
2819 Bleaches, industrial-mfg
3999 Bleaching and dyeing of sponges-mfg
2261 Bleaching cotton broadwoven fabrics-mfg
3552 Bleaching machinery, textile-mfg
2262 Bleaching manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics-mfg
2819 Bleaching powder, industrial-mfg
2269 Bleaching raw stock, yarn, and narrow fabrics: except knit and wool-mfg
2231 Bleaching yarn and fabrics, wool and similar animal fibers: except knit-mfg
2261 Bleaching, kier: continuous machine-mfg
3825 Bleed control cabinets (engine testers)-mfg
1031 Blende (zinc) mining
2045 Blended flour-mfpm-mfg
3634 Blenders, electric-mfg
2844 Blending and compounding perfume bases-mfg
2099 Blending tea-mfg
3721 Blimps-mfg
2431 Blinds (shutters), wood-mfg
2591 Blinds, venetian-mfg
2591 Blinds, vertical-mfg
3331 Blister copper-mfg
3089 Blister packaging, plastics-mfg
2097 Block ice-mfg
5032 Blocks, building-wholesale
3271 Blocks, concrete and cinder-mfg
3331 Blocks, copper-mfg
3555 Blocks, engravers': wood-mfg
3255 Blocks, fire clay-mfg
3229 Blocks, glass-mfg
3999 Blocks, hat-mfg
3339 Blocks, lead: primary-mfg
3281 Blocks, paving: cut stone-mfg
3299 Blocks, sand lime-mfg
3259 Blocks, segment: clay-mfg
3599 Blocks, swage-mfg
3429 Blocks, tackle: metal-mfg
2499 Blocks, tackle: wood-mfg
2499 Blocks, tailors' pressing: wood-mfg
3944 Blocks, toy-mfg
2426 Blocks, wood: for bowling pins, handles, and textile machinery accessories-mfg
3339 Blocks, zinc, primary-mfg
8071 Blood analysis laboratories
8099 Blood banks
2835 Blood derivative diagnostic reagents-mfg
2836 Blood derivatives, for human or veterinary use, except in vitro and in vivo-mfg
8099 Blood donor stations
2011 Blood meal-mfg
5122 Blood plasma-wholesale
3841 Blood pressure apparatus-mfg
7299 Blood pressure testing, coin-operated
3821 Blood testing apparatus, laboratory-mfg
3841 Blood transfusion equipment-mfg
3547 Blooming and slabbing mills-mfg
3312 Blooms-mfg
2621 Blotting paper-mitse-mfg
5632 Blouse stores-retail
2321 Blouses, boys'-mfpm-mfg
2361 Blouses: girls', children's, and infants'-mfpm-mfg
2331 Blouses: women's, misses', and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
2253 Blouses-mitse-mfg
5137 Blouses-wholesale
3423 Blow torches-mfg
3564 Blower filter units (furnace blowers)-mfg
3523 Blowers and cutters, ensilage-mfg
3564 Blowers, commercial and industrial-mfg
3523 Blowers, forage-mfg
3931 Blowers, pipe organ-mfg
3634 Blowers, portable: electric-mfg
3524 Blowers, residential lawn-mfg
2035 Blue cheese dressing-mfg
4925 Blue gas, carbureted: production and distribution
0171 Blueberry farms
0912 Bluefish, catching of
3861 Blueprint cloth or paper, sensitized-mfg
3861 Blueprint reproduction machines and equipment-mfg
5044 Blueprinting equipment-wholesale
7334 Blueprinting service
1411 Bluestone, dimension-quarrying
2899 Bluing-mfg
3296 Board, acoustical: mineral wool-mfg
2952 Board, asphalt saturated-mfpm-mfg
2493 Board, bagasse-mfg
2675 Board, chip: pasted-mfpm-mfg
3275 Board, gypsum-mfg
2493 Board, particle-mfg
0752 Boarding horses
7041 Boarding houses operated by organizations for members only
7021 Boarding houses, except organization
7041 Boarding houses, fraternity and sorority
0752 Boarding kennels
8211 Boarding schools
9121 Boards of supervisors
8611 Boards of trade, other than security and commodity exchanges
2499 Boards, bulletin: wood and cork-mfg
3952 Boards, drawing: artists'-mfg
2499 Boards: clip, ironing, meat, and pastry-wood-mfg
3827 Boards: plotting, spotting, and gun fire adjustment-mfg
3647 Boat and ship lighting fixtures-mfg
4499 Boat cleaning
3537 Boat cradles-mfg
2392 Boat cushions-mfg
5551 Boat dealers-retail
4499 Boat hiring, except pleasure
3732 Boat kits, not a model-mfg
3536 Boat lifts-mfg
4499 Boat livery, except pleasure
4499 Boat rental, commercial
7999 Boat rental, pleasure
3441 Boat sections, prefabricated metal-mfg
3799 Boat trailers-mfg
4493 Boat yards, storage and incidental repair
7997 Boating clubs, membership
5088 Boats, except pleasure-wholesale
3732 Boats, fiberglass: building and repairing-mfg
3089 Boats, nonrigid: plastics-mfg
7999 Boats, party fishing: operation of
5091 Boats, pleasure: canoes, motorboats, and sailboats-wholesale
3732 Boats, rigid: plastics-mfg
3732 Boats: motorboats, sailboats, rowboats, and canoes-building and repairing-mfg
2426 Bobbin blocks and blanks, wood-mfg
2258 Bobbinet (lace goods)-mfg
3552 Bobbins for textile machinery-mfg
2655 Bobbins, fiber-mfpm-mfg
3949 Bobsleds-mfg
7212 Bobtailers, laundry and drycleaning
3728 Bodies, aircraft: not complete aircraft-mfg
5012 Bodies, automotive-wholesale
3713 Bodies, dump-mfg
3711 Bodies, passenger automobile-mfg
3713 Bodies, truck (motor vehicle)-mfg
3465 Body parts, automotive: stamped-mfg
2844 Body powder-mfg
7532 Body repair, automotive
7532 Body shops, automotive
2253 Body stockings-mitse-mfg
3489 Bofors guns-mfg
1799 Boiler and pipe, insulation of-contractors
3443 Boiler casings: metal plate-mfg
7699 Boiler cleaning
2899 Boiler compounds, antiscaling-mfg
3823 Boiler controls: industrial, power, and marine type-mfg
3494 Boiler couplings and drains, metal-mfg
3292 Boiler covering (heat insulating material), except felt-mfg
2299 Boiler covering, felt
1711 Boiler erection and installation-contractors
3491 Boiler gauge cocks-mfg
6331 Boiler insurance
7699 Boiler repair shops, except manufacturing
3443 Boiler shop products: industrial boilers, smokestacks, and steel tanks-mfg
3599 Boiler tube cleaners-mfg
3317 Boiler tubes, wrought-mfpm-mfg
3433 Boilers, low-pressure heating: steam or hot water-mfg
5074 Boilers, power: industrial-wholesale
5074 Boilers, steam and hot water heating-wholesale
3443 Boilers: industrial, power, and marine-mfg
0161 Bok choy farms
2013 Bologna-mfpm-mfg
3261 Bolt caps, vitreous china and earthenware-mfg
3452 Bolts, metal-mfg
5072 Bolts, nuts, rivets, and screws-wholesale
3089 Bolts, plastics-mfg
2411 Bolts, wood: e.g., handle, heading, shingle, stave-mfg
3537 Bomb lifts-mfg
3483 Bomb loading and assembling plants-mfg
3728 Bomb racks, aircraft-mfg
3537 Bomb trucks-mfg
2211 Bombazine, cotton-mfg
3483 Bombcluster adapters-mfg
3483 Bombs and parts-mfg
2899 Bombs, flashlight-mfg
6162 Bond and mortgage companies
6211 Bond dealers and brokers
2621 Bond paper-mitse-mfg
2084 Bonded wine cellars, engaged in blending wines-mfg
2297 Bonded-fiber fabrics, except felt-mfg
3479 Bonderizing of metal and metal products, for the trade-mfg
6289 Bondholders protective committees
6351 Bonding for guaranteeing job completion
6351 Bonding of employees
6351 Bonding, fidelity or surety
7389 Bondspersons
2816 Bone black-mfg
3262 Bone china-mfg
3841 Bone drills-mfg
3999 Bone novelties-mfg
3841 Bone plates and screws-mfg
3841 Bone rongeurs-mfg
2211 Book cloth-mitse-mfg
2731 Book club publishing and printing, or publishing only-mfg
5961 Book clubs, not publishing
3499 Book ends, metal-mfg
2789 Book gilding, bronzing, edging, deckling, embossing, and gold stamping-mfg
3999 Book matches-mfg
2672 Book paper, coated-mfpm-mfg
2621 Book paper-mitse-mfg
5942 Book stores selling new books and magazines-retail
5932 Book stores, secondhand-retail
3251 Book tile, clay-mfg
3111 Bookbinders' leather-mfg
3555 Bookbinders' machines-mfg
2789 Bookbinding: edition, job, library, and trade-mfg
2514 Bookcases, household: metal-mfg
2511 Bookcases, household: wood-mfg
2522 Bookcases, office: except wood-mfg
2521 Bookcases, office: wood-mfg
7999 Bookies
7829 Booking agencies, motion picture
7922 Booking agencies, theatrical: except motion picture
8721 Bookkeeping and billing service
3578 Bookkeeping machines-mfg
7999 Bookmakers, race
5961 Books, mail-order-retail
2678 Books, memorandum: except printed-mfpm-mfg
2732 Books, music: printing or printing and binding, not publishing-mfg
2731 Books, music: publishing and printing, or publishing only-mfg
2732 Books: printing or printing and binding, not publishing-mfg
2731 Books: publishing and printing, or publishing only-mfg
5192 Books-wholesale
3949 Boomerangs-mfg
8641 Booster clubs
3483 Boosters and bursters-mfg
3612 Boosters, feeder voltage (electric transformers)-mfg
3131 Boot and shoe cut stock and findings-mfg
5087 Boot and shoe cut stock and findings-wholesale
2499 Boot and shoe lasts, regardless of material-mfg
3559 Boot making and repairing machinery-mfg
7251 Bootblack parlors
3444 Booths, spray: prefabricated sheet metal-mfg
2542 Booths, telephone: except wood-mfg
2541 Booths, telephone: wood-mfg
3143 Boots, dress and casual: men's-mfg
3199 Boots, horse-mfg
3021 Boots, plastics-mfg
3021 Boots, rubber or rubber soled fabric-mfg
3144 Boots: women's canvas and leather-except athletic-mfg
1474 Borate compounds mining
2819 Borax (sodium tetraborate)-mfg
1474 Borax mining
1474 Borax, crude: ground and pulverized
2879 Bordeaux mixture-mfg
3827 Borescopes-mfg
2819 Boric acid-mfg
1799 Boring for building construction-contractors
3545 Boring machine attachments (machine tool accessories)-mfg
3541 Boring machine tools, metalworking-mfg
3541 Boring mills-mfg
1081 Boring test holes for metal mining: on a contract basis
1481 Boring test holes for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
3541 Boring, drilling, and milling machine combinations-mfg
3291 Boron carbide abrasives-mfg
2819 Boron compounds, not produced at mines-mfg
1474 Boron mineral mining
2819 Borosilicate-mfg
3291 Bort, crushing-mfg
5085 Bort-wholesale
2834 Botanical extracts: powdered, pilular, solid, and fluid, except diagnostics-mfg
8422 Botanical gardens
2833 Botanical products, medicinal: ground, graded, and milled-mfg
2631 Bottle cap board-mitse-mfg
2675 Bottle caps and tops, die-cut from purchased paper or paperboard-mfg
3466 Bottle caps and tops, stamped metal-mfg
3089 Bottle caps, molded plastics-mfg
5813 Bottle clubs (drinking places)
2499 Bottle corks-mfg
2499 Bottle covers: willow, rattan, and reed-mfg
7389 Bottle exchanges
3496 Bottle openers, made from purchased wire-mfg
3469 Bottle openers, stamped metal-mfg
3634 Bottle warmers, household: electric-mfg
3089 Bottle warmers, plastics-mfg
5984 Bottled gas-retail
5085 Bottlers' supplies: caps, bottles, etc.-wholesale
3221 Bottles for packing, bottling, and canning: glass-mfg
5085 Bottles, glass or plastics-wholesale
2655 Bottles, paper fiber-mfpm-mfg
3085 Bottles, plastics-mfg
3069 Bottles, rubber-mfg
3429 Bottles, vacuum-mfg
5093 Bottles, waste-wholesale
3565 Bottling machinery: washing, sterilizing, filling, capping, and labeling-mfg
5149 Bottling mineral or spring water-wholesale
5182 Bottling wines and liquors-wholesale
3645 Boudoir lamps-mfg
2099 Bouillon cubes-mfg
1429 Boulder, crushed and broken-quarrying
2999 Boulets (fuel bricks), made with petroleum binder-mfg
3999 Boutiquing: for the trade (decorating gift items)-mfg
2323 Bow ties: men's and boys'-mfpm-mfg
3089 Bowl covers, plastics-mfg
1799 Bowling alley installation and service-contractors
3949 Bowling alleys and accessories-mfg
2599 Bowling center furniture-mfg
7933 Bowling centers
5941 Bowling equipment and supplies-retail
5091 Bowling equipment-wholesale
7999 Bowling instruction
7997 Bowling leagues or teams, except professional and semiprofessional
2426 Bowling pin blanks-mfg
3949 Bowling pin machines, automatic-mfg
3949 Bowling pins-mfg
7699 Bowling pins, refinishing or repair
3229 Bowls, glass-mfg
2499 Bowls, wood: turned and shaped-mfg
3949 Bows, archery-mfg
3131 Bows, shoe-mfg
2441 Box cleats, wood-mfg
2421 Box lumber-mfg
5812 Box lunch stands
2099 Box lunches for sale off premises-mfg
3554 Box making machines for paper boxes-mfg
3553 Box making machines for wooden boxes-mfg
2441 Box shook-mfg
5085 Box shooks-wholesale
2515 Box springs, assembled-mfg
3131 Box toes, leather (shoe cut stock)-mfg
2631 Boxboard-mitse-mfg
2011 Boxed beef-mitse-mfg
5063 Boxes and fittings, electrical-wholesale
3499 Boxes for packing and shipping, metal-mfg
3499 Boxes, ammunition: metal-mfg
3443 Boxes, annealing-mfg
3469 Boxes, cash and stamp: stamped metal-mfg
2441 Boxes, cigar: wood and part wood-mfg
3443 Boxes, condenser: metal plate-mfg
2653 Boxes, corrugated and solid fiber-mfpm-mfg
5085 Boxes, crates, etc., other than paper-wholesale
3644 Boxes, electric wiring: junction, outlet, switch, and fuse-mfg
2657 Boxes, folding paperboard-mfpm-mfg
3069 Boxes, hard rubber-mfg
3161 Boxes, hat: except paper or paperboard-mfg
3199 Boxes, leather-mfg
2652 Boxes, newsboard: metal edged-mfpm-mfg
5113 Boxes, paperboard and disposable plastics-wholesale
3089 Boxes, plastics-mfg
2652 Boxes, setup paperboard-mfpm-mfg
3952 Boxes, sketching and paint-mfg
2655 Boxes, vulcanized fiber-mfpm-mfg
5093 Boxes, waste-wholesale
2441 Boxes, wood: plain or fabric covered, nailed or lock corner-mfg
2449 Boxes, wood: wirebound-mfg
3949 Boxing equipment-mfg
7032 Boys' camps
2252 Boys' hosiery-mfg
8361 Boys' towns
2341 Bra-slips: women's and misses'-mfpm-mfg
3842 Braces, elastic-mfg
3842 Braces, orthopedic-mfg
0721 Bracing of orchard trees and vines
3299 Brackets, architectural: plaster-factory production only-mfg
3429 Brackets, iron and steel-mfg
2431 Brackets, wood-mfg
3399 Brads, nonferrous metal (including wire)-mfg
3315 Brads, steel: wire or cut-mfg
5072 Brads-wholesale
2269 Braided goods, except wool: bleaching, dyeing, printing, and other finishing-mfg
3552 Braiding machines, textile-mfg
3999 Braids, puffs, switches, wigs, etc.-made of hair or other fiber-mfg
2241 Braids, textile-mfg
2241 Braids, tubular nylon and plastics-mfg
3569 Brake burnishing and washing machines-mfg
3714 Brake drums-mfg
2992 Brake fluid, hydraulic-mfpm-mfg
3292 Brake lining, asbestos-mfg
3069 Brake lining, rubber-mfg
7539 Brake linings, sale and installation
3292 Brake pads, asbestos-mfg
7539 Brake repairing, automotive
3321 Brake shoes, railroad: cast iron-mfg
3714 Brakes and brake parts, motor vehicle-mfg
3728 Brakes, aircraft-mfg
3751 Brakes, bicycle: friction clutch and other-mfg
3625 Brakes, electromagnetic-mfg
3542 Brakes, metal forming-mfg
3743 Brakes, railway: air and vacuum-mfg
2041 Bran and middlings, except rice-mfg
2044 Bran, rice-mfg
6081 Branches of foreign banks
**** Branches of foreign establishments-code according to activity
3953 Branding irons, for marking purposes-mfg
5182 Brandy and brandy spirits-wholesale
2084 Brandy spirits-mfg
2084 Brandy-mfg
3364 Brass die castings-mfg
3366 Brass foundries-mfg
3432 Brass goods, plumbers'-mfg
5074 Brass goods, plumbers'-wholesale
3351 Brass rolling and drawing-mfg
3341 Brass smelting and refining, secondary-mfg
2342 Brassieres-mfpm-mfg
3446 Brasswork, ornamental: structural-mfg
3631 Braziers, barbecue-mfg
2861 Brazilwood extract-mfg
3398 Brazing (hardening) metal for the trade-mfg
7692 Brazing (welding)
2899 Brazing fluxes-mfg
2045 Bread and bread-type roll mixes-mfpm-mfg
2041 Bread and bread-type roll mixes-mitse-mfg
2099 Bread crumbs, not made in bakeries-mfg
3556 Bread slicing machines-mfg
2752 Bread wrappers, lithographed-mfg
2759 Bread wrappers, printed: except lithographed or gravure-mfg
2671 Bread wrappers, waxed or laminated-mfpm-mfg
2754 Bread wrappers: gravure printing-mfg
3565 Bread wrapping machines-mfg
2051 Bread, brown: Boston and other-canned-mfg
5142 Bread, frozen: packaged-wholesale
2051 Bread, including frozen-mfg
3694 Breaker point sets, internal combustion engine-mfg
1231 Breakers, anthracite
3532 Breakers, coal-mfg
3531 Breakers, paving-mfg
3432 Breakers, vacuum: plumbing-mfg
2064 Breakfast bars-mfg
5149 Breakfast cereals-wholesale
2043 Breakfast foods, cereal-mfg
2514 Breakfast sets (furniture), metal-mfg
2511 Breakfast sets (furniture), wood-mfg
1629 Breakwater construction-general contractors
2399 Breast aprons (harness)-mfg
3443 Breechings, metal plate-mfg
0752 Breeding of animals, other than cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, and poultry
0751 Breeding of livestock
2082 Breweries-mfg
3556 Brewers' and maltsers' machinery-mfg
2082 Brewers' grain-mfg
2861 Brewers' pitch, product of softwood distillation-mfg
3999 Bric-a-brac-mfg
5211 Brick and tile dealers-retail
3559 Brick making machines-mfg
2952 Brick siding, asphalt-mfpm-mfg
3291 Brick, abrasive-mfg
3259 Brick, adobe-mfg
3297 Brick, bauxite-mfg
3297 Brick, carbon-mfg
3255 Brick, clay refractory: fire clay and high alumina-mfg
3271 Brick, concrete-mfg
5032 Brick, except refractory-wholesale
3229 Brick, glass-mfg
3255 Brick, ladle: clay-mfg
3297 Brick, refractory: chrome, magnesite, silica, and other nonclay-mfg
3299 Brick, sand lime-mfg
3297 Brick, silicon carbide-mfg
3251 Brick: common, face, glazed, vitrified, and hollow-clay-mfg
1741 Bricklaying-contractors
2335 Bridal dresses or gowns: women's, misses', and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
5621 Bridal shops, except custom-retail
2396 Bridal veils-mfg
3569 Bridge and gate machinery, hydraulic-mfg
7997 Bridge clubs, membership
7999 Bridge clubs, nonmembership
1622 Bridge construction-general contractors
7999 Bridge instruction
1721 Bridge painting-contractors
3441 Bridge sections, highway: prefabricated metal-mfg
2392 Bridge sets (cloths and napkins)-mfg
2514 Bridge sets (furniture), metal-mfg
2511 Bridge sets (furniture), wood-mfg
2491 Bridges and trestles, wood: treated-mfg
3949 Bridges, billiard and pool-mfg
3825 Bridges, electrical: e.g., Kelvin, Wheatstone, vacuum tube, and megohm-mfg
4785 Bridges, highway: operation of
3931 Bridges, piano-mfg
3111 Bridle leather-mfg
1629 Bridle path construction-general contractors
3161 Briefcases, regardless of material-mfg
2322 Briefs, underwear: men's and boys'-mfpm-mfg
2254 Briefs, underwear-mitse-mfg
2341 Briefs: women's, misses', children's, and infants'-mfpm-mfg
1479 Brimstone mining
2819 Brine-mfg
2035 Brining of fruits and vegetables-mfg
2999 Briquettes (fuel bricks): made with petroleum binder-mfg
2499 Briquettes, sawdust or bagasse: nonpetroleum binder-mfg
3999 Bristles, dressing of-mfg
5159 Bristles-wholesale
2631 Bristols, bogus-mitse-mfg
2621 Bristols, except bogus-mitse-mfg
3356 Britannia metal, rolling and drawing-mfg
3545 Broaches (machine tool accessories)-mfg
3843 Broaches, dental-mfg
5084 Broaches-wholesale
3541 Broaching machines-mfg
3663 Broadcast equipment (including studio), radio and television-mfg
4832 Broadcasting stations, radio
4833 Broadcasting stations, television
2211 Broadcloth, cotton-mfg
2211 Broadwoven fabrics, cotton-mfg
2221 Broadwoven fabrics, silk and manmade fiber-mfg
2299 Broadwoven fabrics: linen, jute, hemp, and ramie-mfg
5131 Broadwoven fabrics-wholesale
2211 Brocade, cotton-mfg
2211 Brocatelle, cotton-mfg
0161 Broccoli farms
0251 Broiler chickens, raising of
3634 Broilers, electric-mfg
6531 Brokers of manufactured homes, on site
7389 Brokers, business (buying and selling business enterprises)
6221 Brokers, commodity contract
4731 Brokers, custom house
6163 Brokers, farm or business loan
6411 Brokers, insurance
6531 Brokers, real estate
6211 Brokers, security
4731 Brokers, shipping
4731 Brokers, transportation
2819 Bromine, elemental-mfg
2869 Bromochloromethane-mfg
3845 Bronchoscopes, electromedical-mfg
3841 Bronchoscopes, except electromedical-mfg
3364 Bronze die castings-mfg
3366 Bronze foundries-mfg
2893 Bronze ink-mfg
3351 Bronze rolling and drawing-mfg
3341 Bronze smelting and refining, secondary-mfg
3952 Bronze, artists': mixtures, powders, paints, etc.-mfg
3555 Bronzing and dusting machines for the printing trade-mfg
7389 Bronzing baby shoes
2789 Bronzing books, cards, or paper-mfg
3523 Brooders-mfg
3559 Broom making machinery-mfg
5199 Broom, mop, and paint handles-wholesale
0139 Broomcorn farms
5159 Broomcorn-wholesale
3991 Brooms, hand and machine: bamboo, wire, fiber, splint, or other material-mfg
3711 Brooms, powered (motor vehicles)-mfg
5719 Brooms-retail
2032 Broth, except seafood: canned-mfg
2051 Brown bread, Boston and other: canned-mfg
1221 Brown coal mining
1011 Brown ore mining
3861 Brownprint paper and cloth, sensitized-mfg
3861 Brownprint reproduction machines and equipment-mfg
5044 Brownprinting equipment-wholesale
2833 Brucine and derivatives-mfg
1459 Brucite mining
3624 Brush blocks, carbon or molded graphite-mfg
2426 Brush blocks, wood: turned and shaped-mfg
1629 Brush clearing or cutting-contractors
3089 Brush handles, plastics-mfg
3624 Brushes and brush stock contacts: carbon and graphite-electric-mfg
3991 Brushes for vacuum cleaners, carpet sweepers, and other rotary machines-mfg
3952 Brushes, air: artists'-mfg
5963 Brushes, house-to-house or party plan selling-retail
3991 Brushes, household and industrial-mfg
3069 Brushes, rubber-mfg
5719 Brushes-retail
3541 Brushing machines (metalworking machinery)-mfg
3089 Bubble formed packaging, plastics-mfg
3443 Bubble towers-mfg
3432 Bubblers, drinking fountain-mfg
3531 Bucket and scarifier teeth-mfg
3535 Bucket type conveyor systems for general industrial use-mfg
3535 Buckets, elevator or conveyor for general industrial use-mfg
3531 Buckets, excavating: e.g., clamshell, concrete, dragline, drag scraper, shovel-mfg
3949 Buckets, fish and bait-mfg
3089 Buckets, plastics-mfg
2449 Buckets, wood: coopered-mfg
3965 Buckle blanks and molds-mfg
3965 Buckles and buckle parts, except shoe buckles-mfg
3131 Buckles, shoe-mfg
2295 Buckram: varnished, waxed, and impregnated-mfg
2211 Buckram-mitse-mfg
0119 Buckwheat farms
2041 Buckwheat flour-mfg
9311 Budget agencies-government
5812 Buffets (eating places)
2511 Buffets (furniture)-mfg
3541 Buffing and polishing machines (machine tools)-mfg
3291 Buffing and polishing wheels, abrasive and nonabrasive-mfg
3546 Buffing machines, hand: electric-mfg
3471 Buffing, for the trade-mfg
3111 Buffings, russet-mfg
3931 Bugles and parts (musical instruments)-mfg
3429 Builders' hardware, including locks and lock sets-mfg
5251 Builders' hardware-retail
5072 Builders' hardware-wholesale
1531 Builders, operative: on own account
1531 Builders, speculative
1541 Building alterations, industrial and warehouse-general contractors
1542 Building alterations, nonresidential: except industrial and warehouses-general contractors
1522 Building alterations, residential: except single-family-general contractors
1521 Building alterations, single-family-general contractors
3275 Building board, gypsum-mfg
7349 Building cleaning service, interior
1541 Building components manufacturing plant construction-general contractors
1541 Building construction, industrial and warehouse-general contractors
1542 Building construction, nonresidential: except industrial and warehouses-general contractors
1522 Building construction, residential: except single-family-general contractors
1521 Building construction, single-family-general contractors
1791 Building front installation, metal-contractors
3211 Building glass, flat-mfg
3274 Building lime-mfg
7349 Building maintenance, except repairs
5211 Building materials dealers-retail
3292 Building materials, asbestos: except asbestos paper-mfg
3272 Building materials, concrete: except block and brick-mfg
5039 Building materials, fiberglass-wholesale
5932 Building materials, used-retail
1389 Building oil and gas well foundations on a contract basis
2679 Building paper, laminated-mfpm-mfg
2621 Building paper: sheathing, insulation, saturating, and dry felts-mitse-mfg
1541 Building repairs, industrial-general contractors
1542 Building repairs, nonresidential-general contractors
1522 Building repairs, residential: except single-family-general contractors
1521 Building repairs, single family-general contractors
3822 Building services monitoring controls, automatic-mfg
9531 Building standards agencies-government
3272 Building stone, artificial: concrete-mfg
3281 Building stone, natural: cut-including combination with quarrying-mfg
5032 Building stone-wholesale
3251 Building tile, clay-mfg
6513 Buildings, apartment (five or more housing units): operators of
6514 Buildings, dwelling (four or fewer housing units): operators of
2451 Buildings, mobile: commercial use-mfg
6512 Buildings, nonresidential: operators of
2452 Buildings, prefabricated and portable: wood-mfg
3448 Buildings, prefabricated: metal-mfg
5211 Buildings, prefabricated-retail
3299 Built-up mica-mfg
3229 Bulbs for electric lights, without filaments or sockets-mitse-mfg
3069 Bulbs for medicine droppers, syringes, atomizers, and sprays: rubber-mfg
3641 Bulbs, electric light: complete-mfg
5191 Bulbs, flower and field-wholesale
0181 Bulbs, growing of
5261 Bulbs, seed and nursery stock-retail
7353 Bulldozer rental and leasing
3531 Bulldozers, construction-mfg
3542 Bulldozers, metalworking-mfg
3482 Bullet jackets and cores, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less-mfg
2499 Bulletin boards, wood and cork-mfg
3842 Bulletproof vests-mfg
1041 Bullion, gold: produced at mine, mill, or dredge site
5094 Bullion, precious metals-wholesale
1044 Bullion, silver: produced at mine or mill site
7532 Bump shops (automotive repair)
3714 Bumpers and bumperettes, motor vehicle-mfg
3462 Bumping posts, railroad: forged-not made in rolling mills-mfg
2499 Bungs, wood-mfg
2051 Buns, bread-type (e.g., hamburger, hot dog), including frozen-mfg
2051 Buns, sweet, except frozen-mfg
3821 Bunsen burners-mfg
2211 Bunting-mitse-mfg
2369 Buntings: infants'-mfpm-mfg
3823 Buoyancy instruments, industrial process type-mfg
3089 Buoys and floats, plastics-mfg
2499 Buoys, cork-mfg
3443 Buoys, metal-mfg
9221 Bureaus of criminal investigations-government
9651 Bureaus of standards-government
3669 Burglar alarm apparatus, electric-mfg
1731 Burglar alarm installation-contractors
7382 Burglar alarm monitoring and maintenance
6331 Burglary and theft insurance
3995 Burial cases, metal and wood-mfg
2389 Burial garments-mfpm-mfg
6311 Burial insurance societies
3272 Burial vaults, concrete and precast terrazzo-mfg
3995 Burial vaults, fiberglass-mfg
3281 Burial vaults, stone-mfg
2299 Burlap, jute-mfg
5199 Burlap-wholesale
7922 Burlesque companies
1459 Burley mining
2231 Burling and mending wool cloth for the trade-mfg
2411 Burls, wood-mfg
5074 Burners, fuel oil and distillate oil-wholesale
3433 Burners, gas: domestic-mfg
3433 Burners, oil: domestic and industrial-mfg
3398 Burning metal for the trade-mfg
3952 Burnishers and cushions, gilders'-mfg
3569 Burnishing and washing machines, brake-mfg
2842 Burnishing ink-mfg
3541 Burnishing machines (machine tools)-mfg
3199 Burnt leather goods for the trade-mfg
2087 Burnt sugar (food color)-mfg
3999 Burnt wood articles-mfg
0272 Burro farms
1499 Burrstone quarrying
3843 Burs, dental-mfg
3613 Bus bar structures-mfg
3643 Bus bars (electrical conductors)-mfg
5063 Bus bars and trolley ducts-wholesale
3713 Bus bodies, motor vehicle-mfg
7319 Bus card advertising
4142 Bus charter service, except local
4141 Bus charter service, local
4111 Bus line operation, local
4131 Bus lines, intercity
4173 Bus terminal operation
4729 Bus ticket offices, not operated by transportation companies
3715 Bus trailers, tractor type-mfg
7542 Bus washing
3462 Bus, truck and trailer forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills-mfg
3711 Buses, motor: except trackless trolley-mfg
4151 Buses, school: operation of
4119 Buses, sightseeing: operation of
3743 Buses, trackless trolley-mfg
5012 Buses-wholesale
3423 Bush hooks-mfg
3366 Bushings and bearings, except die-castings: brass, bronze, and copper-mfg
3325 Bushings, cast steel: except investment-mfg
3069 Bushings, rubber-mfg
2499 Bushings, wood-mfg
8611 Business associations, other than civic and social
7389 Business brokers (buying and selling business enterprises)
8244 Business colleges and schools, not of college grade
6153 Business credit institutions, short-term
8732 Business economists, commercial
2759 Business forms, except manifold, lithographed or gravure printed-mfg
2754 Business forms, except manifold: gravure printing-mfg
2752 Business forms, except manifold: lithographed-mfg
2761 Business forms, manifold-mfg
5112 Business forms-wholesale
7629 Business machine repair, electrical
8741 Business management services
8732 Business research, commercial
2741 Business service newsletters: publishing and printing, or publishing only-mfg
8641 Businesspersons clubs, civic and social
2821 Butadiene copolymers, containing less than 50 percent butadiene-mfg
2822 Butadiene rubbers-mfg
2869 Butadiene, made in chemical plants-mfg
2911 Butadiene, produced in petroleum refineries-mfg
2822 Butadiene-acrylonitrile copolymers (more than 50 percent butadiene)-mfg
2822 Butadiene-styrene copolymers (more than 50 percent butadiene)-mfg
1321 Butane (natural) production
5984 Butane gas, bottled-retail
5172 Butane gas, except bulk stations and terminals-wholesale
3421 Butchers' knives-mfg
2542 Butchers' store fixtures, except wood-mfg
2541 Butchers' store fixtures, wood-mfg
5451 Butter and other dairy product stores-retail
2211 Butter cloths-mfg
2449 Butter crates, wood: wirebound-mfg
3556 Butter making and butter working machinery-mfg
2021 Butter oil-mfg
2021 Butter powder-mfg
2021 Butter, creamery and whey-mfg
2099 Butter, renovated and processed-mfg
5143 Butter-wholesale
2021 Butterfat, anhydrous-mfg
2048 Buttermilk emulsion for animal food-mfg
2026 Buttermilk, cultured-mfg
2023 Buttermilk: concentrated, condensed, dried, evaporated, and powdered-mfg
2033 Butters, fruit-mfg
3965 Button backs and parts-mfg
3965 Button blanks and molds-mfg
3965 Button coloring for the trade-mfg
3639 Buttonhole and eyelet machines and attachments, household-mfg
3559 Buttonhole and eyelet machines and attachments, industrial-mfg
2395 Buttonhole making, except fur: for the trade-mfg
2371 Buttonhole making, fur-mfg
3965 Buttons, except precious metal and precious or semiprecious stones-mfg
3999 Buttons: Red Cross, union, and identification-mfg
5131 Buttons-wholesale
2869 Butyl acetate, alcohol, and propionate-mfg
2869 Butyl ester solution of 2, 4-D-mfg
2822 Butyl rubber-mfg
2869 Butylene, made in chemical plants-mfg
2911 Butylene, produced in petroleum refineries-mfg
5159 Buyers of raw farm products, except grain, field beans, and livestock-wholesale
7299 Buyers' clubs
6531 Buying agents, real estate
**** Buying offices of retail firms-code as auxiliary

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