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Standard Industrial Classifications (SIC) Index

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2211 Gabardine, cotton-mfg
1429 Gabbro, crushed and broken-quarrying
1411 Gabbro, dimension-quarrying
3021 Gaiters, rubber or rubber soled fabric-mfg
2211 Galatea, cotton-mfg
1031 Galena mining
2834 Galenical preparations-mfg
3555 Galleys and chases, printers'-mfg
2258 Galloons, lace-mfg
3021 Galoshes, plastics-mfg
3021 Galoshes, rubber or rubber soled fabric-mfg
3312 Galvanized hoops, pipes, plates, sheets, and strips: iron and steel-mfg
2899 Galvanizing fluxes-mfg
3547 Galvanizing lines (rolling mill equipment)-mfg
3479 Galvanizing of iron and steel and end formed products, for the trade-mfg
3825 Galvanometers, except geophysical-mfg
2861 Gambier extract-mfg
9311 Gambling control boards-government
7999 Gambling establishments not primarily operating coin-operated machines
7993 Gambling establishments primarily operating coin-operated machines
7993 Gambling machines, coin-operated: operation of
7999 Gambling machines, except coin-operated: operation of
9512 Game and inland fish agencies-government
3949 Game calls-mfg
0271 Game farms (fur-bearing animals)
5099 Game machines, coin-operated-wholesale
0971 Game management
7999 Game parlors, except coin-operated
0971 Game preserves
0971 Game propagation
0971 Game retreats, operation of
5945 Game shops-retail
2015 Game, small: fresh, frozen, canned, or cooked-mfg
2015 Game, small: slaughtering and dressing-mfg
5092 Games (including electronic), except coin-operated-wholesale
3944 Games for children and adults: puzzles, bingo, marbles, poker chips, and chess-mfg
3999 Games, coin-operated: pinball and other-mfg
7372 Games, computer software: prepackaged
7999 Games, teaching of
3844 Gamma ray irradiation equipment-mfg
1429 Ganister, crushed and broken-quarrying
1542 Garage construction-general contractors
1751 Garage door installation-contractors
3442 Garage doors, overhead: metal-mfg
2431 Garage doors, overhead: wood-mfg
5211 Garage doors-retail
5013 Garage service equipment-wholesale
7521 Garages, automobile parking
7549 Garages, do-it-yourself
7538 Garages, general automotive repair and service
3448 Garages, prefabricated: metal-mfg
3272 Garbage boxes, concrete-mfg
3469 Garbage cans, stamped and pressed metal-mfg
3089 Garbage containers, plastics-mfg
3639 Garbage disposal units, household-mfg
5064 Garbage disposals, electric-wholesale
3589 Garbage disposers, commercial-mfg
5722 Garbage disposers, electric-retail
4212 Garbage, local collecting and transporting: without disposal
4953 Garbage: collecting, destroying, and processing
2514 Garden furniture, metal-mfg
2511 Garden furniture, wood-mfg
2519 Garden furniture: except wood, metal, stone, and concrete-mfg
3423 Garden handtools-mfg
3052 Garden hose, plastics or rubber-mfg
5083 Garden machinery and equipment-wholesale
0782 Garden maintenance
0781 Garden planning
0782 Garden planting
3269 Garden pottery-mfg
5261 Garden supplies and tools-retail
3999 Garden umbrellas-mfg
3999 Garlands, wreaths and sprays; made from tree boughs, cones, etc.-mfg
7219 Garment alteration and repair shops
3496 Garment hangers, made from purchased wire-mfg
2499 Garment hangers, wood-mfg
3111 Garment leather-mfg
7212 Garment pressing shops
2542 Garment racks, except wood-mfg
2541 Garment racks, wood-mfg
2392 Garment storage bags made of materials, except paper or plastics film-mfg
2673 Garment storage bags, coated paper or plastics film-mfpm-mfg
2386 Garments, leather or sheep-lined-mfg
3291 Garnet abrasives-mfg
1499 Garnet mining
3291 Garnet paper-mfg
3552 Garnetting machines, textile-mfg
2299 Garnetting of textile waste and rags-mfg
2389 Garter belts-mfpm-mfg
2389 Garters-mfpm-mfg
1623 Gas (natural) compressing station construction-general contractors
1311 Gas (natural) production
3443 Gas absorbers-mfg
3826 Gas analyzers, laboratory type-mfg
3519 Gas and diesel engine rebuilding, on a factory basis-mfg
3823 Gas and liquid analysis instruments, industrial process type-mfg
4932 Gas and other services combined (gas less than 95 percent of total)
3671 Gas and vapor tubes-mfg
7699 Gas appliance repair service
3822 Gas burner automatic controls, except valves-mfg
3433 Gas burners, domestic-mfg
3842 Gas capes (cold climate individual protective covers)-mfg
3826 Gas chromatographic instruments, laboratory type-mfg
1389 Gas compressing, natural gas at the field on a contract basis
1382 Gas field exploration: on a contract basis
3823 Gas flow computers, industrial process type-mfg
3433 Gas heaters, room-mfg
3443 Gas holders, metal plate-mfg
5722 Gas household appliance stores-retail
3433 Gas infrared heating units-mfg
1799 Gas leakage detection-contractors
3648 Gas lighting fixtures-mfg
5099 Gas lighting fixtures-wholesale
1623 Gas main construction-general contractors
3842 Gas masks-mfg
3321 Gas pipe, cast iron-mfg
3569 Gas producers (machinery)-mfg
3631 Gas ranges, domestic-mfg
3569 Gas separators (machinery)-mfg
7389 Gas systems, contract conversion from manufactured to natural gas
3443 Gas tanks, metal plate-mfg
3714 Gas tanks, motor vehicle-mfg
3511 Gas turbine generator set units, complete-mfg
3511 Gas turbines and parts, except aircraft type-mfg
3511 Gas turbines, mechanical drive-mfg
3491 Gas valves and parts, industrial-mfg
3548 Gas welding equipment-mfg
3496 Gas welding rods, made from purchased wire-mfg
1381 Gas well drilling: on a contract basis
3533 Gas well machinery and equipment-mfg
1389 Gas well rig building, repairing, and dismantling on a contract basis
3312 Gas, coal: derived from chemical recovery coke ovens-mfg
5984 Gas, liquified petroleum: bottled-retail
4925 Gas, liquified petroleum: distribution through mains
4925 Gas, manufactured: production and distribution
4925 Gas, mixed natural and manufactured: production and distribution
4924 Gas, natural: distribution
4922 Gas, natural: transmission
4923 Gas, natural: transmission and distribution
2911 Gas, refinery or still oil: produced in petroleum refineries-mfg
3433 Gas-oil burners, combination-mfg
2869 Gases, chemical warfare-mfg
5169 Gases, compressed and liquefied: except liquefied petroleum gas-wholesale
2869 Gases, fluorinated hydrocarbon-mfg
2813 Gases, industrial: compressed, liquefied, or solid-mfg
5172 Gases, liquefied petroleum: except bulk stations and terminals-wholesale
2911 Gases, liquefied petroleum: produced in petroleum refineries-mfg
3053 Gaskets, regardless of material-mfg
5085 Gaskets-wholesale
1711 Gasline hookup-contractors
3824 Gasmeters: domestic, large capacity, and industrial-mfg
1321 Gasoline (natural) production
5541 Gasoline and oil-retail
2911 Gasoline blending plants-mfg
3824 Gasoline dispensing meters (except pumps)-mfg
5541 Gasoline filling stations-retail
3599 Gasoline filters, internal combustion engine: except motor vehicle-mfg
3586 Gasoline measuring and dispensing pumps-mfg
4613 Gasoline pipelines, common carriers
1799 Gasoline pump installation-contractors
5172 Gasoline, except bulk stations and terminals-wholesale
2911 Gasoline, except natural gasoline-mfg
5172 Gasoline: buying in bulk and selling to farmers-wholesale
2269 Gassing yarn-mfg
3845 Gastroscopes, electromedical-mfg
3841 Gastroscopes, except electromedical-mfg
3569 Gate and bridge machinery, hydraulic-mfg
3452 Gate hooks-mfg
3089 Gate hooks, plastics-mfg
5039 Gates and accessories, wire-wholesale
3441 Gates, dam: metal plate-mfg
3496 Gates, fence: made from purchased wire-mfg
3523 Gates, holding (farm equipment)-mfg
3446 Gates, ornamental metal-mfg
0831 Gathering of forest products: (e.g., gums, barks, seeds)
0831 Gathering, extracting, and selling of tree seeds
3545 Gauge blocks-mfg
3829 Gauges except electric, motor vehicle: oil pressure and water temperature-mfg
3824 Gauges for computing pressure-temperature corrections-mfg
3545 Gauges, except optical (machine tool accessories)-mfg
3829 Gauging instruments, thickness: ultrasonic-mfg
3842 Gauze, surgical: not made in weaving mills-mfg
2211 Gauze-mitse-mfg
2499 Gavels, wood-mfg
3541 Gear chamfering machines (machine tools)-mfg
3541 Gear cutting and finishing machines-mfg
3423 Gear pullers, handtools-mfg
3542 Gear rolling machines-mfg
3541 Gear tooth grinding machines (machine tools)-mfg
3566 Gearmotors (power transmission equipment)-mfg
3462 Gears, forged steel: not made in rolling mills-mfg
3714 Gears, motor vehicle-mfg
3751 Gears, motorcycle and bicycle-mfg
3728 Gears, power transmission: aircraft-mfg
3566 Gears, power transmission: except motor vehicle and aircraft-mfg
5085 Gears-wholesale
0259 Geese farms
2015 Geese, processed: fresh, frozen, canned, or cooked-mfg
2015 Geese: slaughtering and dressing-mfg
3671 Geiger Mueller tubes-mfg
3829 Geiger counters-mfg
2899 Gelatin capsules, empty-mfg
2099 Gelatin dessert preparations-mfg
3555 Gelatin rolls used in printing-mfg
2833 Gelatin, vegetable (agar-agar)-mfg
2899 Gelatin: edible, technical, photographic, and pharmaceutical-mfg
5169 Gelatin-wholesale
1499 Gem stone mining
5999 Gem stones, rough-retail
5094 Gem stones-wholesale
3915 Gems, real and imitation: preparation for setting-mfg
7299 Genealogical investigation service
9199 General accounting offices-government
6159 General and industrial loan institutions
9611 General economic statistics agencies-government
3411 General line cans, metal-mfg
8742 General management consultants
8062 General medical and surgical hospitals
5399 General merchandise stores-retail
9199 General services departments-government
5399 General stores-retail
4225 General warehousing and storage
3621 Generating apparatus and parts, electrical: except internal combustion engine and arc-welding-mfg
4911 Generation of electric power
7539 Generator and starter repair, automotive
3613 Generator control and metering panels-mfg
3511 Generator set units, turbine: complete-steam, gas, and hydraulic-mfg
3621 Generator sets: gasoline, diesel, and dual fuel-mfg
3612 Generator voltage regulators, electric induction and step type-mfg
3548 Generators (separate) for arc-welders-mfg
3621 Generators and sets, electric: except internal combustion engine, welding, and turbogenerators-mfg
3621 Generators for gas-electric and oil-electric vehicles-mfg
3621 Generators for storage battery chargers, except internal combustion engine and aircraft-mfg
3844 Generators, X-ray-mfg
3694 Generators, aircraft and motor vehicle-mfg
5063 Generators, electrical-wholesale
3569 Generators, gas-mfg
3489 Generators, smoke (ordinance)-mfg
3569 Generators: steam, liquid oxygen, and nitrogen-mfg
2452 Geodesic domes, prefabricated: wood-mfg
1382 Geological exploration, oil and gas field: on a contract basis
8999 Geologists, consulting: not connected with business service laboratories
1081 Geophysical exploration services, for metal mining: on a contract basis
1481 Geophysical exploration services, for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
1382 Geophysical exploration, oil and gas field: on a contract basis
2221 Georgettes-mfg
1781 Geothermal drilling-contractors
4961 Geothermal steam production
2869 Geraniol, synthetic-mfg
3339 Germanium refining, primary-mfg
3341 Germanium refining, secondary-mfg
8999 Ghost writing
5947 Gift shops-retail
2679 Gift wrap paper-mfpm-mfg
5199 Gifts and novelties-wholesale
2789 Gilding books, cards, or paper-mfg
1499 Gilsonite mining
3423 Gimlets (edge tools)-mfg
2241 Gimps-mitse-mfg
2085 Gin (alcoholic beverage)-mfg
2086 Ginger ale, bottled or canned-mfg
2045 Gingerbread mixes-mfpm-mfg
2211 Ginghams-mfg
0724 Ginning cotton
3559 Ginning machines, cotton-mfg
0723 Ginning moss
0724 Gins, cotton: operation of
0831 Ginseng, gathering of
2259 Girdle blanks, elastic-mitse-mfg
2259 Girdles (elastic) and other foundation garments-mitse-mfg
2342 Girdles, women's and misses'-mfpm-mfg
7032 Girls' camps
2252 Girls' hosiery-mfg
2064 Glace fruits and nuts-mfg
2833 Gland derivatives: bulk, uncompounded-mfg
3229 Glass and glassware made in glassmaking establishments: for industrial, scientific, and technical use-mfg
3229 Glass blanks for electric light bulbs-mfg
5085 Glass bottles-wholesale
3229 Glass brick-mfg
2221 Glass broadwoven fabrics-mfg
3851 Glass eyes-mfg
1793 Glass installation, except automotive-contractors
3559 Glass making machinery: blowing, molding, forming, grinding, etc.-mfg
2241 Glass narrow fabrics-mfg
7536 Glass replacement and repair, automotive
1446 Glass sand mining
5231 Glass stores-retail
2296 Glass tire cord and tire cord fabrics-mfg
2211 Glass toweling, cotton-mfg
2842 Glass window cleaning preparations-mfg
3296 Glass wool-mfg
1793 Glass work, except automotive-contractors
3211 Glass, colored: cathedral and antique-mfg
3211 Glass, flat-mfg
5039 Glass, flat: except automotive-wholesale
5122 Glass, medical-wholesale
3231 Glass, scientific apparatus: for druggists', hospitals, laboratories-made from purchased glass-mfg
3231 Glass, sheet: bent-made from purchased glass-mfg
3231 Glass: cut, ground, leaded, laminated, ornamented, and tinted-mfpm-mfg
3827 Glasses, field or opera-mfg
3851 Glasses, sun or glare-mfg
3255 Glasshouse refractories-mfg
2674 Glassine bags, uncoated paper-mfpm-mfg
2621 Glassine wrapping paper-mitse-mfg
3221 Glassware for packing, bottling and home canning-mfg
5719 Glassware stores-retail
5932 Glassware, antique-retail
3231 Glassware, cut and engraved-made from purchased glass-mfg
3231 Glassware, cutting and engraving-mfg
3231 Glassware, decorated: e.g., chipped, engraved, sandblasted, etched-made from purchased glass-mfg
3229 Glassware, except glass containers for packing, bottling, and canning-mfg
5023 Glassware, household-wholesale
5199 Glassware, novelty-wholesale
3229 Glassware: art, decorative, and novelty-mfg
1474 Glauber's salt mining
2819 Glauber's salt-mfg
7699 Glazing and cleaning baking pans
2371 Glazing furs-mfg
1799 Glazing of concrete surfaces-contractors
3089 Glazing panels, plastics-mfg
1793 Glazing work-contractors
3812 Glide slope instrumentation-mfg
3721 Gliders (aircraft)-mfg
2514 Gliders (furniture), metal-mfg
2741 Globe covers (maps): publishing and printing, or publishing only-mfg
3999 Globes, geographical-mfg
2211 Glove fabrics, cotton-mitse-mfg
3111 Glove leather-mfg
2241 Glove lining fabrics-mfg
2381 Glove linings, except fur-mfg
2371 Glove linings, fur-mfg
2399 Glove mending on factory basis-mfg
5136 Gloves (all materials), men's and boys'-wholesale
3089 Gloves and mittens, plastics-mfg
2381 Gloves and mittens, woven or knit-mfpm-mfg
5137 Gloves, (all materials): women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale
3151 Gloves, leather-mfg
3842 Gloves, safety: all material-mfg
3949 Gloves, sport and athletic: e.g., boxing, baseball, racketball, handball-mfg
3069 Gloves: e.g., surgeons', electricians', household-rubber-mfg
2259 Gloves-mitse-mfg
3641 Glow lamp bulbs-mfg
2046 Glucose-mfg
2899 Glue size-mfg
3843 Glue, dental-mfg
2891 Glue, except dental: animal, vegetable, fish, casein, and synthetic resin-mfg
5169 Glue-wholesale
2046 Gluten feed-mfg
2046 Gluten meal-mfg
2841 Glycerin, crude and refined: from fats-except synthetic-mfg
2869 Glycerin, except from fats (synthetic)-mfg
2833 Glycosides-mfg
1423 Gneiss, crushed and broken-quarrying
1411 Gneiss, dimension-quarrying
0214 Goat farms
0214 Goats' milk production
5154 Goats-wholesale
3229 Goblets, glass-mfg
7999 Gocart raceway operation
7999 Gocart rentals
3944 Gocarts, children's-mfg
3799 Gocarts, except children's-mfg
5599 Gocarts-retail
5091 Gocarts-wholesale
3851 Goggles: sun, safety, industrial, and underwater-mfg
3356 Gold and gold alloy bars, sheets, strip, and tubing-mfg
3497 Gold beating (manufacturing of gold leaf and foil)-mfg
3497 Gold foil and leaf, not made in rolling mills-mfg
2893 Gold ink-mfg
1041 Gold lode mining
3952 Gold or bronze mixtures, powders, paints, and sizes: artists'-mfg
5052 Gold ore-wholesale
1041 Gold placer mining
3471 Gold plating, for the trade-mfg
3339 Gold refining, primary-mfg
3356 Gold rolling and drawing-mfg
3341 Gold smelting and refining, secondary-mfg
3999 Gold stamping for the trade, except books-mfg
2789 Gold stamping on books-mfg
3843 Gold, dental-mfg
0273 Goldfish farms
5091 Golf carts, except self-propelled-wholesale
3949 Golf carts, hand-mfg
3799 Golf carts, powered-mfg
5088 Golf carts, self-propelled-wholesale
7997 Golf clubs, membership
7992 Golf clubs, nonmembership
1629 Golf course construction-general contractors
7999 Golf courses, miniature: operation of
7992 Golf courses, public: operation of
7999 Golf driving ranges
5091 Golf equipment-wholesale
5941 Golf goods and equipment-retail
7999 Golf professionals not operating retail stores
5941 Golf professionals operating retail stores
7999 Golf, pitch-n-putt
3949 Golfing equipment: e.g., caddy carts and bags, clubs, tees, balls-mfg
3699 Gongs, electric-mfg
3423 Gouges, woodworking-mfg
6111 Government National Mortgage Association
6726 Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) pools
9111 Governors' offices
3728 Governors, aircraft propeller feathering-mfg
3519 Governors, diesel engine-mfg
3714 Governors, motor vehicle-mfg
3519 Governors, pump: for gas engines-mfg
3511 Governors, steam-mfg
7213 Gown supply service, uniform
2335 Gowns, formal: women's, misses', and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
2389 Gowns, hospital: surgical and patient-mfpm-mfg
2254 Gowns, night-mitse-mfg
2335 Gowns, wedding: women's, misses', and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
2389 Gowns: academic, choir, clerical-mfpm-mfg
3531 Grader attachments, elevating-mfg
5082 Graders, motor-wholesale
3531 Graders, road (construction machinery)-mfg
1611 Grading for highways, streets, and airport runways-contractors
2833 Grading of drugs and herbs-mfg
1389 Grading oil and gas well foundations on a contract basis
3523 Grading, cleaning, and sorting machines: fruit, grain, and vegetable-mfg
1794 Grading: except for highways, streets, and airport runways-contractors
3822 Gradual switches, pneumatic-mfg
3842 Grafts, artificial: for surgery-made of braided or mesh artificial fibers-mfg
2041 Graham flour-mfg
1499 Grahamite mining
2085 Grain alcohol for medicinal and beverage purposes-mfg
2869 Grain alcohol, industrial (nonbeverage)-mfg
2041 Grain cereals, cracked-mitse-mfg
0723 Grain cleaning
3523 Grain drills, including legume planters (agricultural machinery)-mfg
1541 Grain elevator construction-general contractors
5153 Grain elevators, except storage only-wholesale
4221 Grain elevators, storage only
0119 Grain farms: except wheat, rice, corn, and soybeans
0723 Grain fumigation
3523 Grain grading, cleaning, and sorting machines-mfg
0723 Grain grinding, custom
4741 Grain leveling in railroad cars
2499 Grain measures, wood: turned and shaped-mfg
3556 Grain mill machinery-mfg
3523 Grain stackers-mfg
5039 Grain storage bins-wholesale
4741 Grain trimming service for railroad shipment
2082 Grain, brewers'-mfg
0722 Grain, machine harvesting of
5153 Grain-wholesale
3291 Grains, abrasive: natural and artificial-mfg
5032 Granite building stone-wholesale
1423 Granite, crushed and broken-quarrying
3281 Granite, cut and shaped-mfg
1411 Granite, dimension-quarrying
2064 Granola bars and clusters-mfg
2043 Granola, except bars and clusters-mfg
2041 Granular wheat flour-mfg
2063 Granulated beet sugar-mfg
3821 Granulators, laboratory-mfg
0172 Grape farms
0174 Grapefruit groves and farms
2899 Grapefruit oil-mfg
2782 Graph paper, ruled-mfg
7336 Graphic arts and related design
3861 Graphic arts plates, sensitized-mfg
3577 Graphic displays, except graphic terminals: computer peripheral equipment-mfg
3825 Graphic recording meters-electric-mfg
3624 Graphite electrodes and contacts, electric-mfg
1499 Graphite mining
3295 Graphite, natural: ground, pulverized, refined, or blended-mfg
3531 Grapples: rock, wood, etc.-mfg
3524 Grass catchers, lawnmower-mfg
3423 Grass hooks-mfg
0139 Grass seed farms
3999 Grasses, artificial and preserved: except glass-mfg
3231 Grasses, artificial: made from purchased glass-mfg
3446 Gratings (open steel flooring)-mfg
3827 Gratings, diffraction-mfg
3446 Gratings, tread: fabricated metal-mfg
1799 Grave excavation-contractors
3272 Grave markers, concrete-mfg
3272 Grave vaults, concrete-mfg
3995 Grave vaults, metal-mfg
1442 Gravel mining
3299 Gravel painting-mfg
5032 Gravel-wholesale
5999 Gravestones, finished-retail
2893 Gravure ink-mfg
2796 Gravure plates and cylinders, preparation of-mfg
3555 Gravure presses-mfg
2754 Gravure printing-mfg
2099 Gravy mixes, dry-mfg
3321 Gray iron castings-mfg
3321 Gray iron foundries-mfg
3599 Grease cups, metal-mfg
3586 Grease guns (lubricators)-mfg
2077 Grease rendering, inedible-mfg
3053 Grease retainers, leather-mfg
3053 Grease seals, asbestos-mfg
3272 Grease traps, concrete-mfg
2299 Grease, wool-mfg
2621 Greaseproof wrapping paper-mitse-mfg
5199 Greases, animal and vegetable-wholesale
2911 Greases, lubricating: produced in petroleum refineries-mfg
2992 Greases, lubricating-mfpm-mfg
2843 Greases, sulfonated-mfg
4432 Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway freight transportation
0161 Green lima bean farms
0161 Green pea farms
0181 Greenhouses for floral products
0182 Greenhouses for food crops
3448 Greenhouses, prefabricated: metal-mfg
3523 Greens mowing equipment-mfg
1499 Greensand mining
1411 Greenstone, dimension-quarrying
5947 Greeting card shops-retail
2771 Greeting cards, except hand painted-mfg
8999 Greeting cards, hand painting of
5112 Greeting cards-wholesale
3484 Grenade launchers-mfg
3483 Grenades and parts-mfg
3999 Grenades, hand (fire extinguishers)-mfg
3634 Griddles and grills, household: electric-mfg
3699 Grids, electric-mfg
3496 Grilles and grillework, woven wire: made from purchased wire-mfg
3446 Grillework, ornamental metal-mfg
5812 Grills (eating places)
3523 Grinders and crushers, feed (agricultural machinery)-mfg
3556 Grinders, food: commercial types-mfg
3546 Grinders, pneumatic and electric: portable (metalworking machinery)-mfg
3546 Grinders, snagging-mfg
3531 Grinders, stone: portable-mfg
3532 Grinders, stone: stationary-mfg
3291 Grinding balls, ceramic-mfg
3599 Grinding castings for the trade-mfg
3541 Grinding machines, metalworking-mfg
3269 Grinding media, pottery-mfg
2833 Grinding of drugs and herbs-mfg
1499 Grinding peat
3999 Grinding purchased nut shells-mfg
1446 Grinding sand mining
1499 Grindstone quarrying
3291 Grindstones, artificial-mfg
3069 Grips and handles, rubber-mfg
3291 Grit, steel-mfg
2041 Grits and flakes, corn: for brewers' use-mfg
1429 Grits mining (crushed stone)
5141 Groceries, general line-wholesale
2674 Grocers' bags and sacks, uncoated paper-mfpm-mfg
3496 Grocery carts, made from purchased wire-mfg
5411 Grocery stores, with or without fresh meat-retail
3069 Grommets, rubber-mfg
5085 Grommets-wholesale
3541 Grooving machines (machine tools)-mfg
2211 Grosgrain, cotton-mfg
3643 Ground clamps (electric wiring devices)-mfg
3231 Ground glass, made from purchased glass-mfg
3523 Grounds mowing equipment-mfg
2621 Groundwood paper-mitse-mfg
8351 Group day care centers, child
8361 Group foster homes
6324 Group hospitalization plans
2899 Grouting material (concrete mending compound)-mfg
1771 Grouting work-contractors
**** Groves-see type of grove
3089 Grower pots, plastics-mfg
8611 Growers' associations, not engaged in contract buying or selling
8611 Growers' marketing advisory services
2879 Growth regulants, agricultural-mfg
1479 Guano mining
6361 Guaranty of titles
7381 Guard service
1611 Guardrail construction on highways-contractors
3444 Guardrails, highway: sheet metal-mfg
3446 Guards, bannisters, railings, etc.: made from metal pipe-mfg
3496 Guards, made from purchased wire-mfg
3949 Guards: e.g., football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse-mfg
5088 Guided missiles and space vehicles-wholesale
3761 Guided missiles, complete-mfg
7999 Guides, hunting
7999 Guides, tourist
2741 Guides: publishing and printing, or publishing only-mfg
3931 Guitars and parts, electric and nonelectric-mfg
5169 Gum and wood chemicals-wholesale
2861 Gum naval stores, processing but not gathering or warehousing-mfg
2899 Gum sizes-mfg
2759 Gummed labels and seals, printed: except lithographed or gravure-mfg
2672 Gummed paper-mfpm-mfg
3579 Gummed tape moisteners for store and office use-mfg
2672 Gummed tape, cloth and paper base-mfpm-mfg
0831 Gums, gathering of
3484 Gun barrels, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less-mfg
3949 Gun cases (sporting equipment)-mfg
7997 Gun clubs, membership
3312 Gun forgings, iron and steel: made in steel works or rolling mills-mfg
3489 Gun limbers-mfg
3484 Gun magazines, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less-mfg
7699 Gun parts made to individual order
3484 Gun sights, except optical: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less-mfg
3827 Gun sights, optical-mfg
2899 Gun slushing compounds-mfg
3495 Gun springs, precision: made from purchased wire-mfg
2426 Gun stocks, wood-mfg
3429 Gun trigger locks-mfg
3489 Gun turrets and parts for artillery more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)-mfg
1771 Gunite work-contractors
3674 Gunn effect devices-mfg
3297 Gunning mixes, nonclay-mfg
2892 Gunpowder-mfg
3484 Guns, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less-mfg
3489 Guns, catapult-mfg
3423 Guns, caulking-mfg
3484 Guns, dart: except toy-mfg
3586 Guns, grease (lubricators)-mfg
3489 Guns, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)-mfg
3546 Guns, pneumatic: chip removal-mfg
3944 Guns, toy-mfg
3484 Guns: BB and pellet-mfg
7699 Gunsmith shops
3842 Gut sutures, surgical-mfg
3069 Gutta percha compounds-mfg
1761 Gutter installation, metal-contractors
3089 Gutters, plastics: glass fiber reinforced-mfg
3444 Gutters, sheet metal-mfg
3949 Gymnasium and playground equipment-mfg
2329 Gymnasium clothing: men's and boys'-mfpm-mfg
5941 Gymnasium equipment-retail
7991 Gymnasiums
7999 Gymnastics instruction
3842 Gynecological supplies and appliances-mfg
8011 Gynecologists, offices of
1499 Gypsite mining
1499 Gypsum mining
3275 Gypsum products: e.g., block, board, plaster, lath, rock, tile-mfg
3812 Gyrocompasses-mfg
3812 Gyrogimbals-mfg
3812 Gyropilots-mfg
3812 Gyroscopes-mfg

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