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Standard Industrial Classifications (SIC) Index

The SIC Index was supplied by the National Technical Information Service and the pages are sponsored by ITA, makers of immigration software . |Back to MENU|


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3825 X-Y recorders (plotters), except computer peripheral equipment-mfg
3844 X-ray apparatus and tubes: medical, industrial, research, and control-mfg
3861 X-ray film-mfg
3844 X-ray generators-mfg
8734 X-ray inspection service, industrial
8071 X-ray laboratories, including dental (not manufacturing)
5047 X-ray machines and parts, medical-wholesale
3861 X-ray plates, sensitized-mfg
2879 Xanthone (formulated)-mfg
2865 Xylene, made in chemical plants-mfg
3931 Xylophones and parts-mfg

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