Chad Chiefs of State 2012


Chad Chiefs of State 2012

Pres. Idriss DEBY Itno
Prime Min. Emmanuel NADINGAR
Min. of Agriculture Albert Pahimi PADACKE
Min. of Civil Service, Labor, & Employment Abdoulaye ABAKAR
Min. of Commerce & Industry Youssouf ABASSALLAH
Min. of Communications & Spokesperson for the Govt. Kedallah YOUNOUS
Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sports Djibert YOUNOUS
Min. of Defense KAMOUGE Wadal Abdelkader
Min. of Economy & Urban Planning Mahamat Ali HASSAN
Min. of Environment & Fisheries Terap Kabak HASSAN
Min. of Finance & Budget Gata NGOULOU
Min. of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, & Intl. Cooperation Moussa FAKI Mahamat
Min. of Good Governance & Public Stabilization Ahmadaye Al-HASSAN
Min. of Higher Learning, Scientific Research, & Professional Training Ahmat TABOYE
Min. of Infrastructure Adoum YOUNOUSMI
Min. of Interior & Public Security Ahmat Mahamat BACHIR
Min. of Justice M'Bailou Naimbaye LOSSIMIAN
Min. of Livestock & Animal Husbandry Ahmat Rakhis MANANI
Min. of Mines & Energy Hassan SALINE
Min. of National Education Abderahim Younous ALI
Min. of Petroleum Mahamat Nasser HASSANE
Min. of Postal Service, New Technology, & Communications Jean Bawoyeu ALINGUE
Min. of Public Health Toufta BOGUENA
Min. of Social Action, Solidarity, & Family Ngarmbatina Carmel SOU IV
Min. of Territorial Development
Min. of Tourism Development Mahamat Allahou TAHER
Min. of Urban Planning & Housing Djimrangar DADNADJI
Min. of Water Ahmat Mahamat KARAMBAL
Min. in Charge of Auditing Govt. Depts. Mahamat Bechir OKORMI
Min. in Charge of Decentralization Hamid Mahamat DAHALOB
Min. in Charge of Human Rights Abderaman DJASNABAILLE
Min. in Charge of Microfinance & Poverty Reduction Fatime TCHOMBI
Min. & Sec. Gen. of the Govt., in Charge of Relations With the National Assembly Assia ABBO
Dep. Sec. Gen. of the Govt., in Charge of Relations With the National Assembly Ousmane Moussa MAHAMAT
Sec. of State for Agriculture Mariam ATTAHIR
Sec. of State for the Economy & Urban Planning, in Charge of Microfinance & Poverty Azziza BAROUD
Sec. of State for Environment, in Charge of Rural Hydraulics & Livestock Tahar SOUGOUDI
Sec. of State for Finance, in Charge of the Budget Habiba SAHOULBA
Sec. of State for Foreign Relations, Intl. Cooperation, & African Integration Mahamat BECHIR Okormi
Sec. of State for Higher Education Yaya DJABAYE
Sec. of State for Infrastructure, in Charge of Transport Mahamat Mahamadou ADDY
Sec. of State for the Interior Bichara Issa DJADALLAH
Sec. of State for National Defense, in Charge of War Veterans & Victims Hassan Saleh Al Gadam AL-DJINNEDI
Sec. of State for National Education, in Charge of Basic Education Khadidja HASSABALLAH
Sec. of State for Public Health Mahadie Outhman ISSA
Sec. of State for Social Action Naima ABDELMOUTI
Sec. of State for Urban Development and Housing Raoul Laouna GONG
Ambassador to the US Mahamoud Adam BECHIR
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ahmad ALLAM-MI

NOTE: 1) The information regarding Chad on this page is re-published from the 2012 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Chad Chiefs of State 2012 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Chad Chiefs of State 2012 should be addressed to the CIA.
2) The rank that you see is the CIA reported rank, which may habe the following issues:
  a) They assign increasing rank number, alphabetically for countries with the same value of the ranked item, whereas we assign them the same rank.
  b) The CIA sometimes assignes counterintuitive ranks. For example, it assigns unemployment rates in increasing order, whereas we rank them in decreasing order

This page was last modified 07-Mar-12
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