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    Andorra Chiefs of State - 2004
      Head of Government Forne Molne, Marc
      Head of State (Co-Prince) Vives Sicilia, Joan Enric, Bishop
      Head of State (Co-Prince) Chirac, Jacques
      Min. of Agriculture & the Environment Adellach Coma, Olga
      Min. of Culture Montane Atero, Xavier
      Min. of the Economy Alvarez Marfany, Miquel
      Min. of Education, Youth, & Sports Cervos Cardona, Pere
      Min. of Finance Maestre Cortadella, Mireia
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Minoves i Triquell, Juli
      Min. of Health Codina Tort, Monica
      Min. of Justice & Home Affairs Visent Guitart, Jordi
      Min. of the Presidency & Tourism Pujal Areny, Enric
      Min. of Territorial Planning Serra Malleu, Jordi
      Ambassador to the US  
      Charge d'Affaires, UN, New York Pia-Comella, Jelena V.

      NOTE: The information regarding Andorra on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Andorra Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Andorra Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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