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    China Chiefs of State - 2004
      President Hu, Jintao
      Vice President Zeng, Qinghong
      Premier, State Council Wen, Jiabao
      Vice Premier, State Council Huang, Ju
      Vice Premier, State Council Wu, Yi
      Vice Premier, State Council Zeng, Peiyan
      Vice Premier, State Council Hui, Liangyu
      State Councilor, State Council Zhou, Yongkang
      State Councilor, State Council Cao, Gangchuan
      State Councilor, State Council Tang, Jiaxuan
      State Councilor, State Council Hua, Jianmin
      State Councilor, State Council Chen, Zhili
      Sec. Gen., State Council Hua, Jianmin
      Chmn., Central Military Commission Jiang, Zemin
      Min. in Charge of National Defense Science, Technology, & Industry Commission Zhang, Yuchuan
      Min. in Charge of State Development Reform Commission Ma, Kai
      Min. in Charge of State Population & Family Planning Commission Zhang, Weiqing
      Min. in Charge of State Nationalities Affairs Commission Li, Dezhu (aka Li Dek Su)
      Min. of Agriculture Du, Qinglin
      Min. of Civil Affairs Li, Xueju
      Min. of Commerce Lu, Fuyuan
      Min. of Communications Zhang, Chunxian
      Min. of Construction Wang, Guangtao
      Min. of Culture Sun, Jiazheng
      Min. of Education Zhou, Ji
      Min. of Finance Jin, Renqing
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Li, Zhaoxing
      Min. of Information Industry Wang, Xudong
      Min. of Justice Zhang, Fusen
      Min. of Labor & Social Security Zheng, Silin
      Min. of Land & Natural Resources Tian, Fengshan
      Min. of National Defense Cao, Gangchuan
      Min. of Personnel Zhang, Bolin
      Min. of Public Health Wu, Yi
      Min. of Public Security Zhou, Yongkang
      Min. of Railways Liu, Zhijun
      Min. of Science & Technology Xu, Guanhua
      Min. of State Security Xu, Yongyue
      Min. of Supervision Li, Zhilun
      Min. of Water Resources Wang, Shucheng
      Pres., People's Bank of China Zhou, Xiaochuan
      Ambassador to the US Yang, Jiechi
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Wang, Guangya
      Hong Kong
      (Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China)
      Chief Executive Tung, Chee-hwa
      Chief Secretary for Administration Tsang Yam-kuen, Donald
      Sec. for Civil Service Wong, Joseph W. P.
      Sec. for Commerce, Industry, & Technology Tang, Henry
      Sec. for Constitutional Affairs Lam, Stephen
      Sec. for Economic Development & Labor Cheung, Kin-chung
      Sec. for Education and Manpower Li, Arthur
      Sec. for Environment, Transport, and Works Liao, Sarah, Dr.
      Sec. for Finance Tang, Henry
      Sec. for Financial Services and the Treasury Ma, Frederick
      Sec. for Health, Welfare, and Food Yeoh, E. K., Dr.
      Sec. for Home Affairs Ho, Patrick, Dr.
      Sec. for Housing, Planning, & Lands Suen, Michael M. Y.
      Sec. for Justice Leung, Elsie
      Sec. for Security Lee, Ambrose
      Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority Yam, Joseph
      Chief Justice Li, Andrew
      Pres., Legislative Council Fan, Rita
      Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption Lee, Ambrose Siu-kwong
      Director of Audit Chan, Dominic Yin-tat
      (Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China)
      Chief Executive Ho, Hau-wah (Edmund)
      Sec for Administration & Justice Chan, Florinda Da Rosa Silva
      Sec for Economics & Finance Tam, Francis Pak-un
      Sec for Security Cheong, Kuoc Va
      Sec for Social Affairs & Culture Chui, Fernando Sai-on
      Sec for Transportation & Public Works Ao, Man Long
      Procurator Gen. Ho Chio, Meng
      Pres., Court of Final Appeal Sam, Hou Fai
      Pres., Legislative Council Chou, Susana
      Commissioner, Audit Choi, Fatima Mei-lei
      Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption Cheong, U

      NOTE: The information regarding China on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of China Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about China Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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