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    Croatia Chiefs of State - 2004
      President Mesic, Stjepan
      Prime Minister Sanader, Ivo
      Dep. Prime Min. Kosor, Jadranka
      Dep. Prime Min. Hebrang, Andrija
      Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Water Management Cobankovic, Petar
      Min. of Culture Biskupic, Bozo
      Min. of Defense Roncevic, Berislav
      Min. of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning, & Construction Dropulic, Marina Matulovic
      Min. of European Integration Kitarovic, Kolinda Grabar
      Min. of Family, Veteran's Affairs, & Intergenerational Solidarity Kosor, Jadranka
      Min. of Finance Suker, Ivan
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Zuzul, Miomir
      Min. of Health Hebrang, Andrija
      Min. of the Interioir Mlinaric, Marijan
      Min. of Justice Ozbolt, Vesna Skare
      Min. of Science, Education, & Sport Primorac, Dragan
      Min. of the Sea, Tourism, Transport, & Development Kalmeta, Bozidar
      Governor, National Bank of Croatia Rohatinski, Zeljko
      Ambassador to the US Grdesic, Ivan
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Drobnjak, Vladimir

      NOTE: The information regarding Croatia on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Croatia Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Croatia Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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