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    Equatorial Guinea Chiefs of State - 2004
      President Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Teodoro, Brig. Gen. (Ret.)
      Prime Minister Biteo Borico, Miguel Abia
      First Vice Prime Min. Ntutumu, Mercelino Oyono
      Second Vice Prime Min. Nfubea, Ricardo Mangue Obama
      Sec. Gen. of the Government Ntutumu, Antonio Martine Ndong
      Min. of Agriculture & Forests Obiang Mangu, Teodoro Nguema
      Min. of Economy, Commerce, & Promotion Ndong, Jaime Ela
      Min. of Education, Science, & Sports Ela, Cristobal Menana
      Min. of Finance & Budget Edu, Mercelino Owono
      Min. of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, & Francophone Affairs Bill, Micha Ondo, Pastor
      Min. of Information, Tourism, & Culture Mokuy, Alfonso Nsue
      Min. of Interior & Local Corporations Onguene, Clemente Engonga Nguema
      Min. of Justice, Culture, & Penitentiary Institutions Mibuy, Angle Masii
      Min. of National Defense Mba Nguema, Antonio, Gen.
      Min. of National Security Mba, Manuel Nguema Mba Ma, Col.
      Min. of Mines, Industry, & Energy Ntugu Nsa, Antanasio Ela
      Min. of Planning, Economic Development, & Public Investment Bindang, Caarmelo Modu Acusi
      Min. of Transportation, Technology, & Posts & Telecommunications Nsefumu, Demetrio Elo Ndong
      Min. of Travel & Social Security Costa, Enrique Mercader
      Min. of Urban Planning Muete, Aniceto Ebiaka
      Min. of Women's Affairs Engono, Jesusa Obono
      Ambassador to the US Ondo Bile, Pastor Micha
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Avomo, Lino Sima Ekua

      NOTE: The information regarding Equatorial Guinea on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Equatorial Guinea Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Equatorial Guinea Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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