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    Japan Chiefs of State - 2004
      Emperor Akihito,
      Prime Minister Koizumi, Junichiro
      Chief Cabinet Sec. Hosoda, Hiroyuki
      Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries Kamei, Yoshiyuki
      Min. of Economy, Trade, & Industry Nakagawa, Shoichi
      Min. of Education, Culture, Sport, Science, & Technology Kawamura, Takeo
      Min. of Environment Koike, Yuriko
      Min. of Finance Tanigaki, Sadakazu
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Kawaguchi, Yoriko
      Min. of Health, Labor, & Welfare Sakaguchi, Chikara
      Min. of Justice Nozawa, Daizo
      Min. of Land, Infrastructure, & Transport Ishihara, Nobuteru
      Min. of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts, & Telecommunications Aso, Taro
      State Min., Administrative Reform Kaneko, Kazuyoshi
      State Min., Defense Ishiba, Shigeru
      State Min., Disaster Management Inoue, Kiichi
      State Min., Financial Services & Economic & Fiscal Policy Takenaka, Heizo
      State Min., Science & Technology Policy, Okinawa & N. Territories Affairs, & Person Information Protection Motegi, Toshimitsu
      Chmn., National Public Safety Commission Ono, Kiyoko
      Governor, Bank of Japan Fukui, Toshihiko
      Ambassador to the US Kato, Ryozo
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Haraguchi, Koichi

      NOTE: The information regarding Japan on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Japan Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Japan Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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