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    Moldova Chiefs of State - 2004
      President Voronin, Vladimir
      Speaker of the Parliament Ostapciuc, Eugenia
      Prime Minister Tarlev, Vasile
      First Dep. Prime Min. Iovv, Vasile
      Dep. Prime Min. Lupu, Marian
      Dep. Prime Min. Cristea, Valerian
      Dep. Prime Min. Todoroglo, Dmitrii
      Min. of Agriculture & Food Industry Todoroglo, Dmitrii
      Min. of Cabinet Petrache, Mihai
      Min. of Culture Madan, Veaceslav
      Min. of Defense Gaiciuc, Victor
      Min. of Economy & Reform Lupu, Marian
      Min. of Education Beniuc, Valentin
      Min. of Energy Lesanu, Ion
      Min. of Environment, Construction, & Territory Dev. Duca, Gheorghe
      Min. of Finance Greciani, Zinaida
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Stratan, Andrei
      Min. of Health Gherman, Andrei
      Min. of Industry Garstea, Mihail
      Min. of Interior Papuc, Gheorghe
      Min. of Justice Dolghieru, Vasile
      Min. of Labor & Social Protection Revenco, Valerian
      Min. of Reintegration Sova, Vasile
      Min. of Transportation & Communications Zgardan, Vasile
      Dir., Intelligence & Security Service (ISS) Ursu, Ion
      Prosecutor General Balaban, Valeriy
      Pres., National Bank Talmaci, Leonid
      Secretary of Supreme Security Council Morei, Ion
      Ambassador to the US Manoli, Mihai
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Grigore, Vsevolod

      NOTE: The information regarding Moldova on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Moldova Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Moldova Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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