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    Rwanda Chiefs of State - 2004
      President Kagame, Paul
      Prime Minister Makuza, Bernard
      Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, & Forestry Habamenshi, Patrick
      Min. of Commerce, Industry, Investment Promotion & Tourism Nshuti, Manase
      Min. of Defense & National Security Gatsinzi, Marcel, Maj. Gen.
      Min. of Education, Science, Technology, & Scientific Research Murenzi, Romain
      Min. of Finance & Economic Planning Kaberuka, Donald
      Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Murigande, Charles
      Min. of Gender & Women in Development Nyirahabineza, Valerie
      Min. of Health Dushimiyimana, Abel
      Min. of Infrastructure Ntawukuriryayo, J. Damascene
      Min. of Internal Affairs Ntiruhungwa, Jean de Dieu
      Min. of Justice & Institutional Relations Mukabagwiza, Edda
      Min. of Lands, Resettlement, & Environment Mugorwewera, Drocella
      Min. of Local Government, Rural Development, & Social Affairs Bazivamo, Christophe
      Min. in the Office of the President Nyirahabimana, Solina
      Min. in the Office of the Prime Minister in Charge of Information Nkusi, Laurent
      Min. of Public Service, Vocational Training, Skills Development, & Labor Bumaya, Andre Habib
      Min. of Youth, Culture, & Sports Bayigamba, Robert
      Min. of State for Agriculture Kabayija, Ephraim
      Min. of State for Community Development & Social Affairs Nyatanyi, Christine
      Min. of State for Cooperation Mitali, Protais
      Min. of State for Economic Planning Kabanda, Celestin
      Min. of State for Energy & Communications Nkusi, Samuel
      Min. of State for Good Governance Musoni, Protais
      Min. of State for HIV/AIDS & Other Infectious Diseases Nyaruhirira, Innocent
      Min. of State for Land & Environment Hajabakiga, Patricia
      Min. of State for Planning Nsanzabaganwa, Monique
      Min. of State for Primary & Secondary Education Mujawamariya, Jeanne
      Min. of State for Skills Development, Vocational Training, & Labor Muganza, Angelina
      Min. of State for Water & Natural Resources Munyanganizi, Bikoro
      Governor, Central Bank Mutemberezi, Francois
      Ambassador to the US Nsenga, Zac
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Kamanzi, Stanislas

      NOTE: The information regarding Rwanda on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Rwanda Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Rwanda Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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