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    Suriname Chiefs of State - 2004
      President Venetiaan, Runaldo Ronald
      Vice President Ajodhia, Jules Rattankoemar
      Min. of Agriculture & Fishing Panday, Geetapersad Gangaram
      Min. of Defense Assen, Ronald
      Min. of Education & Human Development Sandriman, Walter
      Min. of Finance Hildenberg, Humphrey
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Levens, Marie
      Min. of Health Khudabux, Mohamed Rakieb
      Min. of Home Affairs Joella-Sewnundun, Urmila
      Min. of Justice & Police Gilds, Siegfried
      Min. of Labor Marica, Clifford
      Min. of Natural Resources Demon, Franco Rudy
      Min. of Planning & Development Cooperation Raghoebarsingh, Keremchand
      Min. of Public Works Balesar, Dewanand
      Min. of Regional Development Russel, Romeo van
      Min. of Social Affairs  
      Min. of Trade & Industry Jong Tjien Fa, Michael
      Min. of Transportation, Communication, & Tourism Castelen, Guno
      Pres., Central Bank Telting, Andre
      Ambassador to the US Illes, Henry
      Permanent Representative to the UN Limon, Ewald Wensley

      NOTE: The information regarding Suriname on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Suriname Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Suriname Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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