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    Togo Chiefs of State - 2004
      President Eyadema, Gnassingbe, Gen.
      Prime Minister Sama, Koffi
      Min. of Agriculture, Animal Breeding, & Fisheries Bamenante, Komikpine
      Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Development of the Free Trade Zone Lalle, Takpandja
      Min. of Communication & Civic Education Tchalla, Pitang
      Min. of Culture Aguigah, Angela
      Min. of Democracy & Rule of Law Promotion Kpotsra, Roland
      Min. of Economy, Finance, & Privatization Tignokpa, Ayawovi
      Min. of Environment & Forest Resources Bale, Dbaba
      Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Tozoun, Kokou Biossey
      Min. of Interior & Security Boko, Akila
      Min. of Justice & Human Rights & Keeper of the Seals Foli-Bazi, Katari
      Min. of Labor & Civil Service Osseyi, Rodolphe
      Min. of Mines, Equipment & Transportation, Posts & Telecommunications Gnassinigbe, Faure
      Min. of National Defense & Veteran's Affairs Tidjani, Assani, Gen.
      Min. of National Education & Research Agba, Charles
      Min. of Primary & Secondary Education Klassou, Komi
      Min. of Public Health Assouma, Suzanne Aho
      Min. of Relations With the National Assembly Olympio, Harry
      Min. of Social Promotion, Women's Promotion, & Child Protection Boyoti, Sayo
      Min. of Technical Education, Professional Training, & Cottage Industry Kodjo, Maurille
      Min. of Tourism & Leisure Iloudje, Ebina
      Min. of Transport & Water Resources Dramani, Dama
      Min. of Urban Development & Housing Kavegue, Dovi
      Min. of Youth & Sports Ouyenga, Agouta
      Min. Del. in the Prime Min.'s Office In Charge of Relations With Parliament and the EU Devo, Hodeminou
      Sec. of State in the Prime Min.'s Office In Charge of the Private Sector Apoudjak, Maria
      Sec. of State in the Prime Min.'s Office In Charge of Planning & Territorial Development Ati, Atcha Tcha-Gouni
      Sec. of State in the Min. of Economy, Finance, & Privatization Bitor, Mba Legzim
      Dir., Central Bank Aho, Yao Messan
      Ambassador to the US Bodjona, Akoussoulelou
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York

      NOTE: The information regarding Togo on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Togo Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Togo Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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