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    Ecuador Chiefs of State - 2004
      President Gutierrez Borbua, Lucio
      Vice Pres. Palacio, Alfredo
      Min. of Agriculture Escobar, Leonardo
      Min. of Economy & Finance Yepez, Mauricio
      Min. of Education Passailaigue, Roberto
      Min. of Energy & Mines Lopez, Eduardo
      Min. of Environment Valdivieso, Fabian
      Min. of Foreign Relations Zuquilanda, Patricio
      Min. of Foreign Trade Baki, Ivonne
      Min. of Government Baca, Raul
      Min. of Health Lama Pico, Teofilo
      Min. of Labor & Human Resources Izurieta, Manuel
      Min. of National Defense Herrera, Nelson
      Min. of Public Works Penaherrera, Estuardo
      Min. of Tourism Eljuri, Gladys
      Min. of Urban Development & Housing Poggi, Bruno
      Sec. Gen. of Communications Torres, Yolanda
      Sec. Gen. of Public Administration Ledesma, Xavier
      Sec. of Sports, Physical Education, & Recreation Tapia Lombeida, Luis
      Sec. of National Planning & Development Fuentes, Maria
      Sec. of the Presidency Polit, Carlos
      Sec. of Production Johnson, Patricio
      Pres., Central Bank  
      Ambassador to the US Gangotena, Raul
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Gallegos Chiriboga, Luis

      NOTE: The information regarding Ecuador on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Ecuador Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Ecuador Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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