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    Lesotho Chiefs of State - 2004
      King Letsie III,
      Prime Minister Mosisili, Bethuel Pakalitha
      Dep. Prime Min. Lehohla, Archibald Lesao
      Min. to the Prime Min.  
      Min. of Agriculture & Food Security Phororo, Rakoro
      Min. of Communication, Science, & Technology Khaketla, Mamphone
      Min. of Defense & National Security Mosisili, Pakalitha
      Min. of Education Lehohla, Lesao
      Min. of Employment & Labor Machakela, Clement
      Min. of Finance & Development Planning Thahane, Timothy
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Tsekoa, Mohlabi Kenneth
      Min. of Forestry & Land Reclamation Mokose, Ralechate
      Min. of Gender, Youth, Sports, & Recreation Lepono, Mathabiso
      Min. of Health & Social Welfare Phooko, Motloheloa
      Min. of Home Affairs & Public Safety Thabane, Motsoahae Thomas
      Min. of Justice, Human Rights & Rehabilitation, Law, & Constitutional Affairs Masemene, Refiloe M.
      Min. of Local Government Sekatle, Ponts'o Suzan 'Matumelo
      Min. of Natural Resources Moleleki, Monyane
      Min. of Public Works & Transport Moerane, Mofelehetsi Salomone
      Min. of Tourism, Environment, & Culture Ntsinyi, Lebohang
      Min. of Trade & Industry, Cooperatives, & Marketing Malie, Mpho
      Governor, Central Bank Maruping, Anthony
      Ambassador to the US Rapolaki, Molelkeng Ernestina
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Moleko, Lebohang Kenneth

      NOTE: The information regarding Lesotho on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Lesotho Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Lesotho Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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