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    Lesotho Geography - 2004

      Southern Africa, an enclave of South Africa

      Geographic coordinates:
      29 30 S, 28 30 E

      Map references:

      total: 30,355 sq km
      water: 0 sq km
      land: 30,355 sq km

      Area - comparative:
      slightly smaller than Maryland

      Land boundaries:
      total: 909 km
      border countries: South Africa 909 km

      0 km (landlocked)

      Maritime claims - as described in UNCLOS 1982 (see Notes and Definitions):
      none (landlocked)

      temperate; cool to cold, dry winters; hot, wet summers

      mostly highland with plateaus, hills, and mountains

      Elevation extremes:
      lowest point: junction of the Orange and Makhaleng Rivers 1,400 m
      highest point: Thabana Ntlenyana 3,482 m

      Natural resources:
      water, agricultural and grazing land, some diamonds and other minerals

      Land use:
      arable land: 10.71%
      permanent crops: 0%
      other: 89.29% (1998 est.)

      Irrigated land:
      10 sq km (1998 est.)

      Natural hazards:
      periodic droughts

      Environment - current issues:
      population pressure forcing settlement in marginal areas results in overgrazing, severe soil erosion, and soil exhaustion; desertification; Highlands Water Project controls, stores, and redirects water to South Africa

      Environment - international agreements:
      party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Hazardous Wastes, Marine Life Conservation, Ozone Layer Protection
      signed, but not ratified: Law of the Sea

      Geography - note:
      landlocked, completely surrounded by South Africa; mountainous, more than 80% of the country is 1,800 meters above sea level

      NOTE: The information regarding Lesotho on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Lesotho Geography 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Lesotho Geography 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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