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    Lithuania Chiefs of State - 2004
      President Adamkus, Valdas
      Prime Minister Brazauskas, Algirdas Mykolas
      Min. of Agriculture & Forestry Kraujelis, Jeronimas
      Min. of Culture Zakaitiene, Roma
      Min. of Defense Linkevicius, Linas
      Min. of Economy Cesna, Petras
      Min. of Education & Science Monkevicius, Algirdas
      Min. of Environment Kundrotas, Arunas
      Min. of Finance Butkevicius, Algirdas
      Min. of Foreign Affairs Valionis, Antanas
      Min. of Health Olekas, Juozas
      Min. of Internal Affairs Bulovas, Virgilijus
      Min. of Justice Markevicius, Vytautas
      Min. of Social Security & Labor Blinkeviciute, Vilija
      Min. of Transport Balcytis, Zigmantas
      Chmn., Bank of Lithuania Sarkinas, Reinoldijus
      Ambassador to the US Usackas, Vygaudas
      Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Serksnys, Gediminas

      NOTE: The information regarding Lithuania on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Lithuania Chiefs of State 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Lithuania Chiefs of State 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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