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    Syria Economy - 2004

      Economy - overview:
      Syria's predominantly statist economy has been growing, on average, more slowly than its 2.4% annual population growth rate, causing a persistent decline in per capita GDP. Recent legislation allows private banks to operate in Syria, although a private banking sector will take years and further government cooperation to develop. Factors including the war between the US-led coalition and Iraq probably drove real annual GDP growth levels back below 1% in 2003 following growth of 3.5% in 2001 and 4.5% in 2002. A long-run economic constraint is the pressure on water supplies caused by rapid population growth, industrial expansion, and increased water pollution.

      purchasing power parity - $58.01 billion (2003 est.)

      GDP - real growth rate:
      0.9% (2003 est.)

      GDP - per capita:
      purchasing power parity - $3,300 (2003 est.)

      GDP - composition by sector:
      agriculture: 25.9%
      industry: 27%
      services: 47.1% (2001 est.)

      Population below poverty line:
      20% (2003 est.)

      Household income or consumption by percentage share:
      lowest 10%: NA%
      highest 10%: NA%

      Inflation rate (consumer prices):
      1.5% (2003 est.)

      Labor force:
      5.2 million (2000 est.)

      Labor force - by occupation:
      agriculture, industry, services NA

      Unemployment rate:
      20% (2002 est.)

      revenues: $4.3 billion
      expenditures: $8.6 billion, including capital expenditures of $3.6 billion (2004 est.)

      petroleum, textiles, food processing, beverages, tobacco, phosphate rock mining

      Industrial production growth rate:

      Electricity - production:
      23.26 billion kWh (2001)

      Electricity - production by source:
      fossil fuel: 57.6%
      hydro: 42.4%
      other: 0% (2001)
      nuclear: 0%

      Electricity - consumption:
      21.63 billion kWh (2001)

      Electricity - exports:
      0 kWh (2001)

      Electricity - imports:
      0 kWh (2001)

      Oil - production:
      522,700 bbl/day (2001 est.)

      Oil - consumption:
      265,000 bbl/day (2001 est.)

      Oil - exports:

      Oil - imports:

      Oil - proved reserves:
      2.4 billion bbl (1 January 2002)

      Natural gas - production:
      5.84 billion cu m (2001 est.)

      Natural gas - consumption:
      5.84 billion cu m (2001 est.)

      Natural gas - exports:
      0 cu m (2001 est.)

      Natural gas - imports:
      0 cu m (2001 est.)

      Natural gas - proved reserves:
      240.7 billion cu m (1 January 2002)

      Agriculture - products:
      wheat, barley, cotton, lentils, chickpeas, olives, sugar beets; beef, mutton, eggs, poultry, milk

      $5.143 billion f.o.b. (2003 est.)

      Exports - commodities:
      crude oil, petroleum products, fruits and vegetables, cotton fiber, clothing, meat and live animals, wheat

      Exports - partners:
      Germany 17.5%, Italy 15.9%, Turkey 7.1%, France 6.8%, UAE 6.6%, Lebanon 4.8% (2002)

      $4.845 billion f.o.b. (2003 est.)

      Imports - commodities:
      machinery and transport equipment, electric power machinery, food and livestock, metal and metal products, chemicals and chemical products, plastics, yarn, paper

      Imports - partners:
      Italy 8.1%, Germany 7.4%, China 5.6%, South Korea 4.6%, France 4.4%, US 4.3%, Turkey 4% (2002)

      Debt - external:
      $21.5 billion (2003 est.)

      Economic aid - recipient:
      $199 million (1997 est.)

      Syrian pound (SYP)

      Currency code:

      Exchange rates:
      Syrian pounds per US dollar - (Official rate): 11.23 (2003), 11.23 (2002), 11.23 (2001), 11.23 (2000), 11.23 (1999), (Free market rate): 49.65 (2001), 49.4 (2000), 51.7 (1999)

      Fiscal year:
      calendar year

      NOTE: The information regarding Syria on this page is re-published from the 2004 World Fact Book of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of Syria Economy 2004 information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about Syria Economy 2004 should be addressed to the CIA.

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